June 2017

As a mother, I write about Father’s Day, remembering my children’s father. I am a mother because of him. If not for him, I would not have my precious children. Robert Julien was a great father. He shopped. He carpooled. He cooked. He barbecued. He played...

The Courage to Grieve, June 2017

Living with grief demands courage: the courage to keep living; the courage to learn from our losses; the courage to ask for help when we need it, and to persevere in new directions of healing; and the courage to keep moving through self-defeating thoughts, meeting our...

May, 2017

Tom’s Mom, Janet Shavel writes:   As all of us grieve the loss of our children, somehow for me – perhaps others, the date of my son Tom’s birth is a difficult day.   My son would have been 45 on April 21st-I...

May, 2017

OUR LOVING SON KENNETH LACKS   They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way we feel, For no one knows the heartache, That lies behind our smile. No one knows how many times, We have broken down and...

You Are Not Going Crazy, It’s Grief

Most of us functioned fairly competently in our day-to-day lives—holding jobs or going to school, managing families, reading books, taking care of our health, entertaining friends and family—right up until someone we loved stopped living. Instantly we become...

May, 2017

Words from COPE President and Founder, Lillian Julien Dear COPE Families, I was shattered by the loss of my child until I gradually found pieces of myself and strength to move forward. Mother’s Day is a day that I struggle with to find ways to connect with...

April 2017

   My older son, Larry Marcus was killed in an auto accident at college on 4-14-83 at the age of 23 yrs. It happened a few months before he was to get his degree from the Univ. of Georgia. His birthday is Sept 10, 1959. He is gone more years than I want to...

To Honor You…

To honor you, I get up everyday and take a breath. And start another day without you in it. To honor you, I laugh and love with those who knew your smile And the way your eyes twinkled with mischief and secret knowledge. To honor you, I take the time to appreciate...

March 2017

 I was introduced to a golden retriever close to my sons first anniversary. He was so comforting. I asked the owner where she got her dog and she gave me the breeder’s name. She had a waiting list and I did not hear from her for 2 1/2 years to ask if I was...

“I Lived the Dream” By Esther Bogin Heath’s Mom

The worst nightmare is here, Just what every parent dares to fear. My son, my only child, no longer lives. My son, my only child, no longer gives Me his love, his hugs, his gentle words, His advice and wisdom I sought and heard.   The worst nightmare is here,...