April, 2017

Words from COPE President and Founder, Lillian Julien  Dear COPE Families, As we look forward to warmer temperatures of spring, we anticipate the coming holidays. No matter how many years have passed, holidays bring up those we are missing and how much...

March, 2017

Words from COPE President and Founder, Lillian Julien Dear COPE Families, Writing is a powerful tool. As I recently looked through past newsletters for inspiration, I found how my column each month had become a journal of sorts, recording my emotions,...

February, 2017

Words from COPE President and Founder Lilly Julien “On the outside I’m trying to be brave and tough. On the inside my heart is breaking.” These were the words my daughter, Michelle, wrote in a letter home from camp when she was 7 years old. I hear her words...

February, 2017

Martina Sternberg, PhD, NCC writes about her son Josh…. I wanted to write something in this newsletter to honor my son, Joshua, who died Jan 24, 2013 at the young age of 22.  I looked at the blank piece of paper for minutes that seemed like hours. ...

You’re My Star, My Dear

© Alex more by Alex , Published on July 2011 The beam shines down, The rays so bright, The stars come forward, At the dead of night. I feel you close, You’re always here, The glow of the sun, You’re my star, my dear. An angel gained, A distance apart, Our...

February, 2017

Martina Sternberg, PhD, NCC writes about her son Josh…. I wanted to write something in this newsletter to honor my son, Joshua, who died Jan 24, 2013 at the young age of 22.  I looked at the blank piece of paper for minutes that seemed like hours. ...


From COPE Clinical Director Amy Olshever, PhD, LCSW Losing a loved one stays with us forever. But holidays, in particular, can be grief triggers (Healing Tips 11/16), causing similar reactions to anniversaries and birthdays and making the loss even harder to cope...


From COPE Clinical Director Amy Olshever, PhD, LCSW Now that you have managed to make it through the rigors of the holiday season, the new year is a perfect time to try out new ways of doing things. As you continue on your grief journey you can try out new...

January, 2017

By Esther Bogin My son Heath is with me in my good and bad times, even though he died March 8, 2015.  The hole in my being (my heart, soul and life) is always with me in my good and bad times.  Sometimes this pain is so hurtful that I wonder if it will ever...

Someone I love has gone away

Someone I love has gone away and life is not the same, the greatest gift that you can give is just to speak their name. I need to hear the stories and the tales of days gone past, I need for you to understand these memories must last. We’ll never make more...