Camp COPE Banner 2024
Ann Fuchs

Ann Fuchs

Director, Camp COPE

"Where Children Learn
to Grieve and Heal"

Dear Camp Families,

We are so grateful for the trust you placed in us over the Camp COPE weekend.

Entrusting your children in our care is a responsibility we don’t take lightly. Our dedicated team of clinicians and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure a safe, supportive, and enriching experience for every camper. Your trust enabled us to create a truly magical weekend of hope and healing.

We witnessed laughter and tears, immediate breakthroughs, and seeds planted for future growth. The impact of this weekend may resonate now or unfold in the weeks and months to come. Whether the takeaways are large or small, each represents a piece of healing in your child’s grief journey.

Our volunteers were deeply moved by the bravery and openness of your children. Their willingness to try new things and share difficult stories and emotions was truly inspiring. We hope this experience has equipped them with new strategies to navigate their grief and provided them with new reasons to hope.

As we transition into fall, we hope the memories of camp continue to warm your hearts. Remember, as we said at the closing ceremony, “Anything can beee!”

Now, we’re thrilled to share some exciting news about the future of our camp…

Our beloved grief camp is getting a fresh new look and name.

Introducing Camp COPE!

Camp COPE will continue to offer the same supportive, fun-filled weekend for children ages 7-17. Rest assured, the heart of our camp remains the same even though we are changing our name. Your child will still have the opportunity to honor their loved one, learn coping skills, and make friends with other kids who understand what they’re going through.

We’re so excited about these changes and can’t wait to welcome you to Camp COPE 2025.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our generous supporters and donors who make camp possible. And to you, our camp families, we thank you for being our best ambassadors. Your testimonials help us reach more grieving children each year.

We will be in touch again soon.


Ann Fuchs
Camp COPE Director

P.S. Keep an eye out for our new Camp COPE materials – we think you’re going to love them!

About Camp COPE

Camp COPE is a FREE, weekend-long grief support camp designed to help children and teenagers ages 7 – 17 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or someone close to them.

Children and teens ages 7 to 17 attend a weekend camp experience that combines grief education and emotional support with fun, traditional camp activities. Led by bereavement professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills, and make friends with peers who are also grieving. There is also a concurrent parent and adult retreat for caregivers of the children who attend Camp COPE for a nominal fee.

For more information about Camp COPE, please email Camp Director Ann Fuchs at

Parent/Caregiver Retreat

COPE offers a concurrent Parent/Caregiver Retreat to Camp COPE.

Loss affects the entire family. Supporting grieving children ideally involves supporting their parents and caregivers.

While the children are attending Camp on one side of the lake, parents and caregivers have the option of partaking in their own Retreat on the other side of the lake.

There will be scheduled programs and circles where parents and caregivers can share their personal story and find understanding from others who are on a similar path of loss—while learning tools to support themselves and their children in their grief.

There will also be optional free time to enjoy the camp grounds, swim, play tennis, pickle ball, and walk on a wooded trail—hopefully finding some downtime and personal peace.

While Camp Erin NYC is free to attend, a $100 donation is requested for those participating in the Parent/Caregiver Retreat. This donation helps offset the cost of a room for 2 nights and 6 meals and can be made in memory of your loved one.

COPE programs are available to all regardless of your ability to pay, so please contact if you are unable to cover the full donation.

Parents and Caregivers will apply to the Retreat through the Camp COPE application process. You will complete the Camper Application and Interview process first and then you will be able to sign up for the Retreat.

{It opened my grief. It gave me new ideas. It showed me the power of holding grief as a community. It helped me feel more comfortable with my grief. It was truly the gift of a lifetime.{
2023 Parent/Caregiver Retreat Participant
{Camp COPE helped me find the part of me that I was missing. It made me realize my dad is there and he will always be a part of me.{
Camp Erin Camper

Help Support Camp COPE

Your support helps grieving children build a support team, forge forever friendships and gather the tools to navigate their grief journey. THEY need you and WE need your support.

Camp COPE is made possible through the support of many dedicated volunteers and donors. There are several ways to get involved. Please consider volunteering and/or donating.

Camp Location

Camp COPE is the largest national grief camp network for youth and families grieving the death of a significant person in their lives.

Camp COPE supports children, teens, and families through in-person day and overnight sessions and online programs. Participants attend a camp experience that combines grief education and emotional support with fun, interactive activities.

Hosted at
Camp Wayne for Girls
56 Nice People Place
Preston Park, PA 18455