
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with COPE

Whether you are a bereaved parent or sibling looking to help others who share your loss, a healer looking to share your gifts with our bereaved families, or someone who just wants to give back and support our families living with loss, we have a multitude of volunteer opportunities for you to choose from.  Please click here for a list of our current volunteer opportunities.

In order to become a volunteer for COPE, we ask that you:

  • Complete a volunteer application (please scroll down to complete the application)
  • Meet with our volunteer team
  • Attend a volunteer orientation
  • For certain positions, also participate in additional training with COPE’s Clinical Director
  • Continue to attend ongoing in-services support and training as needed

To express interest in volunteering with COPE, please send to info@copefoundation.org

For more information on our Peer Support volunteer opportunities (COPE Line Volunteer or Peer Mentor), please click here.

COPE thanks you in advance for your interest in volunteering for our organization!

Click here for a list of volunteer opportunities

Volunteer Application

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you a?*
Please check
Preferred method of contact:*
Please list other relevant paid employment, volunteer positions or committees that you serve(d) on
Dates of Service
Skills, experience and interests (Please circle all that apply)*


Please check which positions you are interested in:

COPE line volunteer**
Answer calls 1 day/week M-F 9am-9pm or Sat, Sun 10am-3pm
COPE peer mentor **
Calls scheduled as needed with new COPE parents or siblings
Facilitator back-up for support group meetings**
One meeting per month (2 hours) – partner with support group facilitator to “host” group and help when a participant needs to be pulled from group for one-on-one support
Labyrinth committee
Speak about labyrinth at support group meetings and serve on planning committee
COPE ambassador for networking meetings
Approximately one meeting per month with COPE referral sources (e.g. clergy, funeral homes, hospitals) to speak on behalf of COPE with COPE Executive Director
Social media outreach
As needed, monitor COPE Facebook page and reply/comment on any posts from bereaved parents and siblings
Work at COPE fundraising events
Volunteer at check-in, registration, sell raffle tickets, etc. (duration of specific event)
Serve on fundraising committee for special events
Planning committee for COPE fundraiser; attend monthly planning meetings (timing related to specific event)
Fundraising team – COPE Walk
Form team for COPE Walk-a-thon in September
Politician outreach/advocacy
On own schedule, outreach to your local politician to spread the word about COPE (with COPE Exec Director)


Please check which positions you are interested in:

Facilitate workshops for COPE parents and siblings
Facilitate 2-hour workshop (evening or weekend) on topic related to professional’s expertise
Work at COPE fundraising events
Volunteer at check-in, registration, sell raffle tickets, etc. (duration of specific event)
Serve on fundraising committee for special events
Planning committee for COPE fundraiser; attend monthly planning meetings (timing related to specific event)
Fundraising team – COPE Walk
Form team for COPE Walk-a-thon in September


Please check which positions you are interested in:

Work at COPE fundraising events
Volunteer at check-in, registration, selling raffle tickets, etc. (duration of a specific event)
Serve on fundraising committee for special events
The planning committee for COPE fundraiser; attend monthly planning meetings (timing related to a specific events)
Fundraising team – COPE Walk
Form team for COPE Walk-a-thon in September
Social Media Coordinator (1-2 people)
Organize, plan, and post all COPE FB posts, in conjunction with COPE Marketing & Admin Assistant
Administrative/clerical assistance
Help Marketing & Admin Asst. with mailings (as needed)
Marketing/PR assistance
Develop an updated contact list for local news sources
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