Birthdays and Passings

We invite you to join our community in honoring and remembering those days most meaningful to your loved one. By adding those dates to the community calendar, we may honor and remember them with you. To add a birthday or passing to the calendar, please email with the following information:

  • Month/Day/Year
  • Significance of date
  • Name of loved one
  • Your name
  • Your relationship with loved one

Example: December 29, 1971, the anniversary of the passing of Rita Broyles, beloved sister of MaryEileen Broyles

For any updates or corrections to listings of birthdays and passing, please contact us at:



Stephanie Nogid (2017, passing), daughter of Tina Berardi

Alyssa Seaman (2011, passing), daughter of Mary & Donald Seaman

Samantha Karolin (2010, passing), daughter of Mara Karolin

Mark Anthony Governale (2003, passing), son of Diana Roscigno

Lawrence “Larry” Nightingale (2016, passing), son of Paula Nightingale

Andre Graydon (2014, passing), son of Stephanie Draine

Jesse Greene (2015, passing), brother of Sydney Greene 


Alyssa Cicchetti (1988, birthday), daughter of Karen Cicchetti

Joseph Wood (2018, passing), son of Diane Wood


Matthew Russo (2013, passing), son of Audra & Philip Russo

Kaitlin DeSanti (2011, passing), daughter of Denise Kenneally DeSanti

Nicole (2012, passing), daughter of Fredda Nogid

Eloy Conrad Duran III (2010, passing), son of Conrad Duran

Robert F. Miner III (2013, passing), son of Laurie & Robert Miner


Tyler Stuart (2014, passing), daughter of Judy Stuart, sister of Marissa Stuart

Joanna Elizabeth Johnson (2012, passing), daughter of Donna & Jake Johnson, sister of Laura Johnson

Thomas Scanlan (2014, passing), son of Susan Stoger


Allison Jamie Schwartz (1977, birthday), daughter of Christopher Ihm

Sean Lapersonerie (2012, passing), son of Marie Lapersonerie

Mark Paone (1965, birthday), son of Margaret Paone


Alex Hanan (1972, birthday), son of Robert & Andrea Hanan

Mark Yudin (1970, birthday), son of Brenda Yudin

Bryan Herold (1990, birthday), son of Mike Herold

Kaite Gallagher (1976, birthday), daughter of Nancy Gallagher

Angel Rivera (1997, birthday, passing), son of Sandra Melendez

Bryan Selby (2018, passing), son of Bob Selby

Devan Desnoyers (1990, birthday), son of Christine Porter

Clarke Gilbert Russell (1986, birthday), son of Stephanie Benbenek


Shannon Powers (2017, passing), daughter of Donna Powers


Gabriel Hilsenrad (2006, passing), son of Phyllis & Frank Silverman Sivillo

Daniel Aquila (1990, birthday), son of Judy Aquila

Ava Hecht (2009, passing), daughter of Karen Gang

Jeremy Ferrara (2012, passing), son of Karen & Robert Ferrara

Kenneth Grym (2010, passing), son of Kelly Grym

Michael Fodera (1993, birthday), son of Marie Fodera

Daniel “Dee” Babich (1990, birthday) connected to Lauren Sloane

Zayna Connolly (2015, passing), daughter of Sarah & Michael Connolly


Michael Isaacs (2017, passing), son of Cheryl Isaacs

Keith Zerlin (2011, passing), brother of Dana Zerlin

David  (2017, passing), son of Lisa Sattanino

Erin Carlson (1995, birthday), sister of Lauren Carlson

Luciano do Vale (2009, passing), brother of Lucimara Aguirre  

Brendon Redmond (2013, passing), son of Dori Redmond


David Wolfe (1972, birthday), son of Annette Wolfe

Alan Jacobs (2015, passing), son of Linda Comac

Paul Hoffmann (2018, passing), son of Linda Lachere

Maria Verdile (1995, birthday), daughter of Holly Verdile


Scott Sides (1968, birthday), son of Kathy Tessitore

Todd Wirtshafter (1974, birthday), brother of Lisa Robbins

Robin Frank (2018, passing), daughter of Sheila Frank


Patric Martin (2016, passing), son of Niamh Martin

Phillip Starr (2010, passing), son of Michael & Shelly Starr


Sophia Valsalos (2001, birthday), daughter of Tina Valsalos

Lyla Stern (2009, passing), daughter of Donna & Howard Stern

Michael Rath (1995, birthday), son of Kathy Rath


Linda Bruckner (1995, birthday), daughter of Marla Bruckner

Michael Rath (2014, passing), son of Kathy Rath

Adam Wolf (1990, birthday), son of Naomi Wolf


Chris Pelliccia (1977, birthday), son of Arlene Darcy


Joel Preddy (2010, passing), son of Josette Preddy

Alan Cohen (1954, birthday), father of Lindsay Cohen

Shawn Tierney (1985, birthday), son of Robin Tierney, parent of Joyce Mandel


Stephen Richter (1969, birthday), son of Marlene Richter

Joshua (2012, passing), son of Lee Benedetto

Ben Keschl (1992, birthday), son of Liz Keschl

Gilad Vaday (1975, birthday), son of Sara & Shalom Vaday

Keith Stock (2009, passing), son of Tracy Stock


Alvaro Hernandez (2016, passing), brother of Christina Hernandez

Charles “Chuck” Wolfrath (2018, passing), son of Judy Wolfrath

Daniel “Dan” Spellman (1993, birthday), son of Jeff Spellman


David Berg (1992, passing), son of Judy & Richard Berg, brother of Erica Gavin

Brian Harley Assa (2008, passing), son of Jerry & Sandy Assa, brother of Vanessa Assa

Jessica (2018, passing), daughter of John Cleere

Stacie Weiss (1980, birthday), daughter of Mitch & Michelle Weiss


Rachel Small (2005, passing), sister of Hannah Small

Drew Nugent (1993, birthday), son of Johanna Nugent, brother of Kayla Nugent

Christeen Marie Capellupo (1966, birthday), daughter of Kathleen Leonard, sister of Laureen Leto

Mary Eleni Lazarus (1975, birthday), daughter of Eleni Lazarus

Daniel Gordon (2013, passing), son of Nancy Shapiro

Mitchell Kutner (2009, passing), son of Barbara & Steve Kutner


Barry Silverstein (2013, passing), son of Brenda Litzky

Patrick (2016, passing), connected to Barbara Steffans

Christeen Marie Capellupo (2013, passing), daughter of Kathleen Leonard, sister of Laureen Leto

Brian O’Mara (2012, passing), son of Ken & Mary O’Mara

Gayle Ferdschneider (birthday), daughter of Roxanne Ferdschneider


Anthony Krayewski (2007, birthday), son of Danielle & Steven Krayewski

Jeffrey Spiegel (1989, birthday), son of Elaine Winston


Kevin Michael Warren Jr. (2012, birthday), son of Alissa Sorgenfrei

Asher King (1997, birthday), son of Eda Polowczyk

Jeffrey Ryan Buchignani (1989, birthday), son of Jill Buchignani-Calwhite

Clifford H. Johnson Jr. (1970, birthday), son of Elizabeth Johnson

Thomas Bidell (2005, passing), son of Maryanne Bidell


Shaun Brala (2011 passing), son of Lisa & John Brala, brother of Christie Brala

Larry Finkel (1956, birthday), son of Doris Finkel

Giavanna Melomo (1999, birthday), daughter of Gregory & Janine Melomo

Joshua Craig (2013, passing), son of Martina Sternber

Michael Rizzi (1992, birthday), son of Marissa Rizzi

Melissa Scherr (2009, passing), daughter of Rose & Mike Scherr

Robert (1995, birthday), son of Theresa Treimanis


Michelle Julien (1992, passing), daughter of Lilly Julien, sister of Greer & Billy Slovin & Spencer & Dana Julien

Rebekah Frucht (1988, birthday), daughter of Morton Frucht, sister of Joseph Frucht

Alana McClinton (2018, passing), daughter of Joyce Nolan

Nayyira Tahaba Amatul-Majid (1994, birthday), daughter of Kalia Loper

Ruth Piracci (1947, birthday), sister of Ronnie Piracci

Jamie Felice Cantor (2019, passing), daughter of Lee & Melissa Cantor


Sean Urda (2015, passing), son of Nicole Urda, brother of Tyler Urda

Justin Disharoon (2013, passing), son of Heather Bilton  

Dawn (1984, birthday), daughter of Linda Mueller


Anthony Valente (2010, passing), son of Lynda Valente

Mary Cardone (1952, birthday), sister of Emily Cardone

Say Chiang (1952, birthday), sister of Jeannie Chiang

Jordana Arin Cooper (2010, passing), sister of Jason Cooper


Christina Louise Salazar (1991, birthday), sister of Andrew Rayis

Elisa Rachel Pomeranz (2014, passing), daughter of Dale & Peter Pomeranz

Warren Levitt (2012, passing), son of Carole Levitt, brother of Kenneth Levitt

Ethan Max Williams (2010, passing), son of Michelle Burgess

Stefanie Silverman (1973, birthday), daughter of Rita & Barry Silverman

Lance Topol (2016, passing), son of Arlene Topol

Javiera Pagan (2005, birthday), daughter of Selva Herrara-Pagan

Daniel Bahlkow (1987, birthday), son of Valerie Bahlkow


Abigail Trent (2010, passing), daughter of Amy Persaud

Holly Schuller (1993, birthday), daughter of Ann Schuller

Kenny (2018, passing), son of Donna Bosco

Victoria Riccardi (2008, birthday), daughter of Judy Riccardi

Dana Kraus (2009, passing), sister of Marc & Lexi Sternberg

Keith Ganzer (2012, passing), son of Charlotte Ganzer


Pamela Posen (1968, birthday), daughter of Bonnie & Marty Gregge

Michael Axelrod (2016, passing), son of Joan Axelrod

Alan Jacobs (1986, birthday), son of Linda Comac

Deborah Dolgin (2007, passing), daughter of Judy & Josh Gilman

Kirsten Ramirez (2015, passing), daughter of Marilyn Rodan

Matt Sciacchitano (2016, passing), son of Ron & Elizabeth Sciacchitano

Michael DiGioia (2016, passing), brother of Sam DiGioia


Kenny (1984, birthday), son of Donna Bosco

Michael O’Connell (2018, passing), brother of Jennifer O’Connell

Sarah Fuentes (1987, birthday), daughter of Lucy Fuentes

Monique Iveliz Tartt (2014, passing), daughter of Cynthia & Everett Mojica

Alexis Lauren Harper (2012, birthday and passing), daughter of Stephani Harper



Kendra Bowers (2014, passing), sister of Kayla Bowers

Barry Drebin (2015, passing), son of Shlomo & Rivkah Drebin

Troy Gable (2011, passing), son of Regina Gable

Brian (1977, birthday), son of Shelley & Stu Kaminsky

Robert Lagois (1992, birthday), son of Christine Lagois

Karen Lynster (2017, passing), mother of Rhiannon Lynster

Brad Stoll (1999, birthday), son of Lucy & Howard Stoll

Baby Boy (2019, passing), son of Nicole Rose & Jason Simmons


Woody Zalman (2016, passing), son of Debra Berley

Shaun P. Tolan (2011, passing), son of John & Janis Tolan, brother of Sherry Carpenito

Jordyn Fisher (1994, birthday), daughter of Beth & Dick Fisher

Randy Sokol (1954, birthday), sister of Kathy Sokol

Steven Tassis (1966, birthday), son of Lorraine Tassis

Jason Gorelkin (1971, birthday), son of Diana Gorelkin

Kenneth Rongo (2019, passing), son of Jill Cambria & Leo Rongo


Danny Elias (2015, passing), son of Barbara Masoni

Kieran McCaffrey (2008, passing), son of John & Tara McCaffrey

Edward Ennis (1988, birthday), son of Paula Nolan

Joseph Parise (2018, passing), son of Joy Parise

Kirsten Ramirez (1988, birthday), daughter of Marilyn Rodan

Drew Romeo (1976, birthday), son of Deborah Romeo

Randie Delmont (2008, passing), daughter of Shelley & Joel Switko

Delbert White (1962, birthday), son of Howard & Annie White

Kirk Vasquez (2002, birthday), brother of Serena Vasquez


Peter Cannon (2014, passing), brother of Roman & Frank Cannon

Michael Jarosz (2012, passing), son of Angela & John Jarosz


Robert Carpinelli (2012, passing), son of Linda Carpinelli

Danielle Cooper (1971, birthday), daughter of Paul & Judith Montelione

Robert Moss (1987, birthday), son of Bob & Krista Moss

Louis Sena (1993, birthday), son of Millie Sena

Andrew Torres (1994, birthday), son of Benjamin Torres

Karissa Volpe (2011, passing), daughter of Karen Volpe

Michael Feinman (birthday), brother of Rosalie Schwartz

Gene Calk (2019, passing), brother of Cindy Steier

Andrew Vitiello (1992, birthday), son of
Barbara Angelo

Kevin Somers (2022, passing), brother of Michelle Thompson


Michelle Alessi (1983, passing), daughter

Terry C. Long Jr. (1982, birthday), brother of Jen Gaynor

Nicholas Maniscalco (1987, birthday), son of Deborah Gibson

Larry Gnolfo (2011, passing), son of Coral & Jim Gnolfo

Johnny (2011, passing), grandson of Adrian Lazar

Serjio (2004, passing), brother of Jean Torres

Robbie Carlat (2019, passing), son of Caryn Carlat

Dan Levitt (2019, passing), brother of Josh Levitt

Olivia Oeller (1996, birthday), daughter of Patricia Oeller


Matthew Bell Jr. (2013, passing), son of Matthew Bell

Kelly Georgens (1979, birthday), sister of Allison Georgens Costello

Alvaro Hernandez (1966, birthday), brother of Christina Hernandez

Dawn Leslie (1990, birthday), daughter of Karen & David Leslie

Michael Long (1975, birthday), son of Ariella Long

Joseph Pratt (2014, passing), son of Susan Pratt


Tara Celli (2009, passing), daughter of Geraldine Celli

Joseph Philip Hoehn (2016, passing), son of Philip Hoehn

Joseph O’Leary (1957, birthday), brother of Peter O’Leary

Howard Safir (1969, birthday), son of Lucy Safir

Ryan Shaw (2016, passing), son of Janice Shaw


Corey Loeliger-Myers (1983, birthday), brother of Kenny Loeliger-Myers

Myrna Quesada (1971, birthday), sister of Mario Quesada


Dean Galasso (1988, birthday), son of Priscilla Galasso

Stephanie (2018, passing), daughter of Audrey Lagis

Seena Liff (2012, passing), daughter of Eleanor Liff

Kevin Lynch (2012, passing), son of Barbara Lynch

Miranda Marciano (1994, passing), daughter of Jeff Marciano

Son of Sherry Ross (2011, passing), son of Sherry Ross

Brenton Kristoffer Smith (1991, birthday), son of Stacie Snider

Joseph Calvello (2019, passing), son of Margaret Calvello

Andrew J. Thielemann (2021, passing), beloved son and brother of Jessica Pepin  

Devin Rogers (1993, birthday), son of Pat Rogers 


Zachary (1992, birthday), son of Eileen Fishfein

Joshua Levi (2013, passing), son of Suzanne Levi

Monique Iveliz Tartt (1995, birthday), daughter of Cynthia & Everett Mojica

Patrick Murphy (1981, birthday), son of Karen Murphy

Ehlin Puett-Sandberg (2009, passing), daughter of Marla Puett-Sandberg

Jamie Felice Cantor (1992, birthday), daughter of Lee & Melissa Cantor

Anthony Raso (2019, passing), son of Juliann & Peter Raso


Jeanette Parker (2016, passing), mother of Shaiane Beckford,  Family of Carmen Jean

Lewis Schwartz (1977, birthday), brother of Jen & Matthew Schwartz

Austin Verville (2008, passing), son of Christine & Matthew Verville

Jimmy Hannon (2019, passing), brother of Debbie Fromkin


Zayna Connolly (2012, birthday), daughter of Sarah & Michael Connolly

Timothy Grennan (1980, birthday), son of Karen Grennan

Lawrence “Jr.” Insinga (2016, passing), son of Michelle Insinga

Daniel MacDougall (2013, passing), son of Nancy MacDougall

Brendon Bittner (2015, passing), brother of Jessica Markus

Danny Elias (1961, birthday), son of Barbara Masoni

Richard Barthel (2008, passing), son of Paul & Judith Montelione

Joseph O’Leary (2018, passing), brother of Peter O’Leary

Jaimie Peters (1980, birthday), son of Philip & Linda Okun

Kevin Goldstein (1968, birthday), son of Jane & Paul Shaw


Isabel Alessi (1980, birthday), daughter of Alla Bas

Valerie Bedziner (2012, passing), daughter of Lisa Bedziner

Jenna Baron (1995, birthday), daughter of Jean Pagliughi

Elizer (1976, birthday), brother of Jean Torres


Jeffrey Goldsmith (1982, birthday), son of Nancy & Terry Goldsmith, brother of Andrew & Erica Goldsmith.  Family of Lorraine Albert

Josephine Zabas (1969, birthday), daughter of Anthony & Francis Crisanti

Robert Fein (2018, passing), brother of Susan Fein

Jeremy Lee Graham (1985, birthday), son of Jayne Graham

Ben Keschl (2015, passing), son of Liz Keschl

Jason T. Micheline (2013, passing), son of Stephanie Micheline

Kevin Goldstein (2005, passing), son of Jane & Paul Shaw

Zach Hegelmeyer (2018, passing), brother of Chad Hegelmeyer


Evan Artz (2016, passing), son of Beverly & Bill Artz

Wayne Lipinski (1964, birthday), son of Sue Lipinski

Mark Matonti (2011, passing), son of Diane Matonti

Mark Paone (2015, passing), son of Margaret Paone

Anthony Tonns (1973, birthday), son of Carol Tonns


Jennifer Taylor Bell (1994, birthday), daughter of Jane & Jonathan Bell

Jeffrey Goldstein (1978, birthday), son of Sharon Cutler

Paul Hoffmann (1977, birthday), son of Linda Lachere

James Stasi (1966, birthday), son of Peter & Marilyn Stasi, brother of Jeanette Murphy


Jonathan Cotromano (1983, birthday), son of Suzanne Cotromano

Carol Kestenbaum (1987, birthday & 2007, passing), daughter of Rita & Ron Kestenbaum

Vicki Marczak (1977, birthday), daughter of Judith & Ed Marczak

Nicole Schiffman (1987, birthday & 2007, passing), daughter of Cheryl & Ron Schiffman, sister of Lindsey Schiffman

Maria Verdile (2007, passing), daughter of Holly Verdile


Gina DiCanio (1978, birthday), daughter of Jackie DiCanio

Bryan Kessler (1989, birthday), son of Joanne Eastwood

Corinne Hutchinson (2018, passing), sister of Maris Hutchinson


Steven Belviso (1988, birthday), son of Donna Belviso

Paul David Faria (1963, birthday), son of Gloria Faria

Tyler Heelan (2009, passing), son of Leslie Heelan

Brian Hom (1993, birthday), son of Karen & Jim Hom

Kerri Marie Jackowski (2013, passing), daughter of June & Keith Jackowski

Audrey Garcia (2015, passing), daughter of Barbara McGowan

Earnest Montes Jr. (1993, passing), son of Lucy & Ernie Montes

Ruth Piracci (2014, passing), sister of Ronnie Piracci

Blakely Kay (1979, birthday), daughter of Barbara Russell

Bryan Selby (1976, birthday), son of Bob Selby


Marsha (1957, birthday), daughter of Adrian Lazar

Dino Lezaja (1991, birthday), son of the Lezaja Family

Michael Monica (1987, birthday), son of Dale Monica

Shauni Ashley Frank (2011, passing), daughter of Christine Sparkman

Elizer (2016, passing), brother of Jean Torres


David Dawson (2009, passing), son of Fran Dawson

James Guerin (2014, passing), husband of Rose Guerin

Maeve Grace Maguire (2013, passing), daughter of Jennifer Maguire

Taylor Matthews (2008, passing), daughter of Sue Matthews, sister of Ryan Matthews

Joshua Shome (1978, birthday), son of Larry & Paula Shome


Barry Drebin (1987, birthday), son of Shlomo & Rivkah Drebin

John C. Grega (2014, passing), son of Marion Grega

Joseph Janssen (2008, birthday), son of Mike Janssen

Jordan Moss (1993, birthday), son of Meryll Moss


Hope Wen (2017, passing), brother of April Wen


Yasu Fakuda (1956, birthday), brother of Megumi Fakuda

Michael Monica (2016, passing), son of Dale Monica

Cantor David Tauber Wiener (2008, passing), son of Phyllis Wiener, brother of Steven Wiener

Johnny Hughes  (1969, birthday), son of Maria Hughes

William Murray (1975, birthday), brother of Jim Murray


Isabel Alessi (2014, passing), daughter of Alla Bas

Kerri Marie Jackowski (1988, birthday), daughter of June & Keith Jackowski

Joe Marino (2012, passing), son of Diane Marino

Brittney Shulman (1992, birthday), daughter of Susan Shulman

Kirk Vasquez (2019, passing), brother of Serena Vasquez


Peter Cannon (2004, birthday), brother of Roman & Frank Cannon

Marie Guilfu (2018, passing), daughter of Mary Lewis

Michelle Nourmand (1997, birthday), daughter of Simin Nourmand, sister of Joseph Nourmand

Stefanie Rieger (2009, passing), daughter of Andrea & Keith Rieger

Mia Antenucci (2019, passing), daughter of Brianne Antenucci

Janel Simpson (1988, birthday), daughter of Wendy Simpson

Kevin Somers (1976, birthday), brother of Michelle Thompson


John Appey (1996, birthday), son of Nancy Appey

Dan Gerstein (2014, passing), brother of Rebecca Gerstein

Eric Licursi (2010, passing), son of Donna Licursi, brother of Lorraine Licursi

Morris Lindenbaum (1999, birthday), son of Sylvia Lindenbaum

Daniel Milch (2000, passing), son of Linda Milch



Nicholas (2005, birthday), son of Nicole Dinoto

Gabrielle Azzarelli (2007, passing), daughter of Camille Azzarelli

Bryan Enczelewski (2015, passing), brother of Heather Enczelewski

Gayle Ferdschneider (passing), daughter of Roxanne Ferdschneider

Suzanne Fox (2010, passing), daughter of Carol Fox

Lori Schiffer (1977, birthday), daughter of Helen Goldstein

Hedy Jacobowitz (2005, passing), daughter of Betty Jacobowitz

Ken Schwitz (2012, passing), brother of Tammy Robbins

Nicole Robin (1978, birthday, 2008, passing), daughter of Lisa Robin

Jim Smith (1968, birthday), son of Maureen Smith

Michael Soussa (passing), brother of Scott Soussa

Michael Villaume (2012, passing), brother of Robert Villaume

Robert Bell (1956, birthday), son of Gladys Bell

Jessica Marino (2004, passing), daughter of Thomas Marino



Cherilyn Duca (2007, passing), daughter of Emily & Dennis Duca

Lorenzo Fernandez (2014, passing), son of Laura Fernandez

Trevor Guttman (2011, passing), son of Susan Guttman

Steven Siegel (1979, birthday), son of Marc & Marian Siegel, brother of Allison Siegel

Wayne Walther (1992, birthday), son of Jennifer & Jesse Walther



Anastasia Duran-Ming (1991, birthday), daughter of Monique Duran

Daniel Frenkel (2017, passing), brother of Anastasia Frenkel

Elisheva Basya (2010, birthday), daughter of Sarah Lerner

Robert “Bobby” Gerard Pasqualone (1992, birthday), son of Carolyn Mekeel

Luke Petro (2015, passing), brother of Kristina Petro

Gavin Russell (2022, passing), beloved son of Cindy and Bill Russell



Daniel Braun (2018, passing), son of Esther & Bill Braun

Anastasia Duran-Ming (1991, passing), daughter of Monique Duran

William Grieco (2012, passing), son of Chris Grieco

Amanda Krieger (2006, passing), sister of Jessica Kieninger

Michael Romero (2013, passing), son of Maria Romero



Mark Edwin Fant (2012, passing), son of Winnie Fant

Giavanna Melomo (2004, passing), daughter of Gregory & Janine Melomo

Brad Nussbaum (2010, passing), son of Avrille & Ralph Nussbaum, brother of Martin Nussbaum

Zachary Weltz (2005, passing), son of Kerri Weltz

Keisha Scarlett (1974, birthday), mother of Novalee Madu & Surena Lewis



Amy Eberhart (1970, birthday), daughter of Gail Blume

Eric Fabris (1960, birthday), son of Barbara Fabris

Clifford H. Johnson Jr. (2018, passing), son of Elizabeth Johnson

Louis Moretto (1985, birthday), son of Allison Moretto

Jean Stout (1996, birthday), daughter of Ellen Stout

Jay Zambito (2019, passing), son of Mary Zambito



Phillip Barlow (1969, birthday), son of Lydia Barlow

Philip Eliot (2011, passing), son of Gloria & Paul Eliot

Carrie Leibman (1970, birthday), daughter of Mel & Sophie Krumholtz

Richard Pusateri (1965, birthday), brother of Steven Pusateri & Jennifer Mirabelli

Thomas Scanlan (1996, birthday), son of Susan Stoger

Mikaela Tick (1989, birthday), daughter of Jeffrey Tick



Cara Anderson (2008, passing), daughter of Helene Anderson

Heath Bogin (2015, passing), son of Esther & Jerry Bogin

Rebecca Guerin (2011, passing), daughter of Rose Guerin

David Mannino (2015, passing), son of Linda Mannino

Samantha “Sammi” Mergentime (2006, birthday), daughter of Melanie & Larry Mergentime

Michael Villaume (1978, birthday), brother of Robert Villaume

Daniel Weiss (1985, birthday), son of Hannah Weiss



Haley Anderson (2018, passing), daughter of Karen Anderson

Elissa Rita Bradley (2012, passing), daughter of Dolores Bradley

Jeffrey Lener (2013, passing), son of Sherwin Lener, brother of Susan Lener

Brian O’Mara (1989, birthday), son of Ken & Mary O’Mara

Christopher Colella (1989, birthday), son of Stephanie & Frank Colella



Marvin Birnbaum (2014, passing), brother of Elaine Birnbaum

Guido Guirado (2018, passing), brother of Jacqueline Iglesias

Andrew Mineo (2009, passing), son of Jo & Vinnie Mineo

Ryan Speller (1991, birthday), son of Deborah Speller

Jake Sporn (1992, birthday), son of Russell Sporn

Spencer Weiss (2015, passing), son of Pam & Robert Weiss



Matthew Johnson (1981, birthday), brother of Kimberly Johnson

Jessica Lewis (1965, birthday), daughter of Melinda Lewis

Joshua Shome (2008, passing), son of Larry & Paula Shome

Suzanne Haber (2019, passing), sister of Shari Klein



Matthew Colosono (2018, passing), son of Diane Colosono

Vincent Mascoli (2013, passing), son of Melissa Mascoli

Jonathan Morris (2014, passing), brother of Jodi Vosilla

Jesse Weinstein (2015, passing), son of Marci & David Weinstein

Peter Nigro (1989, birthday), son of Susan Nigro



Douglas Bird (1969, birthday), husband of Jamie Bird

Howard Brodsky (2005, passing), son of Harriet & Phillip Brodsky

Bryan Coyle (2012, passing), son of Gail Coyle

Robert Egan (1995, birthday), son of Carla Egan

Peter Fedden (1984, birthday), brother of Jaimee Lee Fedden

David Jones (2016, passing), son of Laurie Jones

Joshua Kuchmeister (1977, birthday), son of Gary & Linda Kuchmeister

Aaron Robinson (2018, passing), son of Rachel Robinson



David Jones (2004, birthday), son of Laurie Jones

Vicki Goldstein (2018, passing), daughter of Marie Picucci

Ariana O’Brien (1995, birthday), daughter of Joy Wittschen-O’Brien



Robert Colan (2016, passing), brother of Iris Colan

Alex Colligan (1991, birthday), son of Cathy Colligan

Eric Preto (1987, birthday), son of Denise & Vincent Preto

Stephanie Suhanovski (2001, birthday), sister of Jillian Finn

Davida Liebowitz (2018, passing), sister of Jill Fleischer

Robin Frank (1968, birthday), daughter of Sheila Frank

Keith Ganzer (1962, birthday), son of Charlotte Ganzer

Michael Grosvak (1990, birthday), son of Donald & Kim Grosvak

Kaeli Kramer (1990, birthday), daughter of Linda & Peter Kramer

Brian O’Connor (2017, passing), father of Nicole & Stephanie O’Connor

Serjio (1987, birthday), brother of Jean Torres



Bobby Beauregard (2012, passing), brother of Shannon Beauregard

Joseph Nickel (2018, passing), brother of Donna Chaloupka

Dale Dampf (1975, birthday), daughter of Paula Dampf

Connor Donohue (2010, passing), son of Jane Donohue

Andrew Hertzka (2013, passing), son of Susan & Robert Hertzka

Joseph Miles (2007, passing), grandson of Audrey Robinson

Cara Satallante (1989, birthday), daughter of Frank & Raquel Satallante

Uzziah Taylor (2012, passing), son of Audrey Taylor

Cara Danika Tobias (2012, passing), daughter of Nancy & Eric Tobias

Danielle Nicole Jerome (1990, birthday), beautiful daughter of Christopher & Janice Jerome who is missed everyday


Deborah Dolgin (1965, birthday), daughter of Judy & Josh Gilman

Derlo Woolard (2005, passing), son of Connie Hardman

Jennifer “Jenny” Kash (2000, passing), daughter of Ellen Kash

Michael Long (1995, passing), son of Ariella Long

Ethan Murphy (2003, birthday), son of Robin Murphy

Lonny Ostrofsky (1978, birthday), son of Marilyn Ostrofsky

Eric J Kavallaris Jr (2019, passing), son of Judy Kavallaris



Trinity James (2001, birthday), daughter of Brian & Shanyn James



Brett (1996, birthday), son of Marlene & Evan Friedberg

Danielle Cooper (2010, passing), daughter of Paul & Judith Montelione

Dana Kraus (1985, birthday), sister of Marc & Lexi Sternberg

Daniel Norman (2019, passing), brother of Charlotte Norman



Thomas Urraro (1981, birthday), son of Linda Amodio

Joey Boncic (2015, passing), brother of Katarina Boncic

Wilfredo “Wil” Lopez (2011, passing), brother of Waleska Lopez

Chelsea Nicole Olsen (2012, passing), daughter of Janet Olsen, sister of Sarah Rose Olsen

Preston Walsh (1992, birthday), son of Genevieve Walsh

Kyle Mathias (1994. birthday), son of Roger and Deb Moroney


Staci Love (1980, birthday), sister of Kimberli Erlich

Dylan Joseph Graham (2011, passing), son of Cynthia Graham

Christina (1966, birthday), sister of Jenni Harrington

Paul Knopf (1977, birthday), son of Norma & Michael Knopf

Nick Mytko (2016, passing), son of Terri Mytko

Alexis Pilkington (2010, passing), daughter of Paula Pilkington

Daniel Norman (1998, birthday), brother of Charlotte Norman

Tiffany Alexander  (1992, birthday), daughter of Danita Alexander and mother of Sara Alexander


Rosemary Kreinson (2018, passing), mother of Nancy Kreinson

Gabriel Hilsenrad (1979, birthday), son of Phyllis Silverman & Frank Sivillo

Kayla Chin (1985, birthday), daughter of Larry Chin



Michael Eichenbaum (passing), son of Linda & Lee Eichenbaum

TJ Kelly (2017, passing), son of Janice & Tom Kelly

James Romero (2015, passing), son of Eileen Romero



Melissa Sue Bakker (2009, passing), daughter of Donna Bakker

Krista Cotuleo (2016, passing), sister of Vicky Cotuleo

David Dawson (1987, birthday), son of Fran Dawson

Cheryl Turoff (1954, birthday), daughter of Sylvia Rassell

Matthew Russo (2005, birthday), son of Audra & Philip Russo

Austin Verville (2004, birthday), son of Christine & Matthew Verville



Brendan Aykroyd (1986, birthday), son of Sandi Aykroyd

Chani Cohen (1981, birthday, 2017, passing), daughter of Ruthie Cohen

Lauren Conde (1980, birthday), daughter of Maria & Rich Fietz

John Dougherty (1973, birthday), son of Maryann Kilgannon

Matthew Stanski (2013, passing), son of Millie Stanski



Mitchell Bauman (1959, birthday), son of Pearl & Leo Bauman

Shane Cotrono (2011, passing), son of Charlene George

Alexis Zayas (1991, birthday), daughter of Ava Jacobs, sister of Daniel & Matthew Jacobs

Victoria Cuevas (2018, passing), daughter of Beverly Klein

Jay Levitt (1971, birthday), son of Barbara Levitt

Joshua Faithfull (2017, passing), son of Gabrielle & Joseph Faithfull



John C. Grega (1962, birthday), son of Marion Grega

David Michael Guzman (1989, birthday), son of Sonia Lopez

Nick Mytko (1998, birthday), son of Terri Mytko

Caroline Swift (1959, birthday), daughter of Freddie Swift



Robbie Levine (1996, birthday), son of Craig & Jill Levine

Asher King (2018, passing), son of Eda Polowczyk

Marianne Posalie (1969, birthday), daughter of Ann Posalie

Adam Sanders (1985, birthday), son of Laurie Sanders, brother of Brian Sanders

Ben Sassoon (2011, passing), son of Susan Sassoon



Bryan Gorycki (1963, birthday), son of Carol Parmelee



Kurt McAuliffe (1990, birthday), son of Jeannie McAuliffe

Jimmy Nappo (2006, passing), son of Marianne Nappo

Evan Grabelsky (1987, birthday) son of Lori Grabelsky, brother of Andrew & Lindsey Grabelsky



Ryan Bailey (2012, passing), son of Bill & Susan Bailey

Michael Ditchik (1962, birthday), son of Florence & Bernie Ditchik

Ryan (2018, passing), son of Kristen Scalise



Debbie Fink (2015, passing), sister of Jessica Fink

Linda Kerman (1967, birthday), sister of Lisa Kerman

Beth Luvman (2009, passing), daughter of Renee Luvman

Sharon Lotter (2012, passing), daughter of Fran & Bill Monahan

Paul Jacobson (1969, birthday), son of Diane Parini

Luke Petro (1993, birthday), brother of Kristina Petro

Rochelle Simms (2017, passing), sister of Andrea Simms

Nathan Nate Nater (1989, birthday), son of Vera Webber


Sharon Kahn (2009, passing), daughter of Susan Kahn

Sharon Lotter (1967, birthday), daughter of Fran & Bill Monahan

Christopher Pavlica (2018, passing), father of the Pavlica family

James Romero (2013, birthday), son of Eileen Romero

Michael Trotta (2014, passing), son of Jaclyn & Michael Trotta

Caitlin Mary Nelson (2017, passing), daughter of Rosanne Nelson, sister of Anne Nelson, late father James

Nicholas Pignataro (1993, birthday), son of Paula and Tony Pignataro


Zachary (2016, passing), son of Eileen Fishfein

Terrence R. Joseph (2016, passing), son of Georgia Grant

Maddy Mieschberger (1998, birthday), daughter of Tracy Mieschberger

Robert Stevenson (2013, passing), son of Frances Miller

Jaimie Peters (2017, passing), son of Philip & Linda Okun

Stephanie Rivera (2015, passing), sister of Brittney Rivera


Scott Biggart (1985, birthday), son of Jeanne & Kurt Biggart

David Bleichfeld (1979, birthday), son of Harriet Bleichfeld

Bonnie Brafman (1973, birthday), daughter of Sandra & Stuart Brafman

Daniel Carroll (1989, birthday), son of Kim Carroll

Michael “Mikey” Ricatto (2011, passing), son of Laura Failla, brother of John Ricatto

Kyra Franchetti (2014, birthday), daughter of Jaqueline Franchetti

Andre Lamorta (1968, birthday), son of Jean Germano

Nicole (1967, birthday), daughter of Fredda Nogid

Nancy Shark (2011, passing), daughter of Barbara Smart


Daniel Bahlkow (2017, passing), son of Valerie Bahlkow

Eric Britton (1964, birthday), brother of Laurie Britton

Ryan Dickinson (1987, birthday), son of Donna Liebenow

Allyson (2011, passing), sister of Shari Slepian

Adam Spizz (1978, birthday), son of Alex & Marika Spizz, brother of Jack & Kim Spizz

Karly Meeks (1993, birthday), daughter of Jennifer Stephens


Timmy Carr (1954, birthday), son of Jackie Carr

Michael Bradley (2015, passing), son of Kathleen Dwyer

Howie Kelman (2015, passing), son of Bara Kelman

Stephen Marano (2011, passing), son of Vincent Marano

Robert Stevenson (1988, birthday), son of Frances Miller

John Palmiotto (1986, birthday), son of Tina Palmiotto

Bari Swedlow (2009, passing), daughter of Sheila & Richard Swedlow


Brittany Brophy (2013, passing), daughter of Edward Brophy

Rutger Osterroth (1939, birthday), father of Karen & Alan Flyer

William H. Long (1986, birthday), brother of Jen Gaynor

Amir (1976, birthday), brother of Ayelet Prizant

Hope Freed (2012, passing), daughter of Harriet & Bernard Shurgan


Adam Cohen (2009, passing), son of Marilyn Cohen

Kaitlyn Dougherty (1991, birthday), daughter of Denise Dougherty

Robin Smith (birthday), daughter of Dolores Long

Steven Montes (1995, passing), son of Lucy & Earnie Montes

Sharon Rothstein (1954, birthday, 2017, passing), sister of Ellyn Rothstein

Douglas Ciullo (1985, birthday), son of Eileen Simone

Boruch Teldon (1978, birthday), son of Chaya & Rabbi Tuvia Teldon


Anna Finkelstein (1987, birthday), sister of Katherine Finkelstein

Dana Solomon (1953, birthday), son of Giovannina Leto

Monica Valencia (2012, passing), sister of Julianna Valencia

Rob Weinstein (2010, passing), son of Phylis Weinstein


Mary Cardone (2012, passing), sister of Emily Cardone

Yasu Fukuda (2017, passing), brother of Megumi Fukuda

Aaron Gardner (2010, passing), son of Sarah Gardner

Brian Hom (2011, passing), son of Karen & Jim Hom

Matthew Lichten (1991, birthday), son of Eric Lichten

Bryan Lohr (2011, passing), son of Barbara Lohr

Howie Robinson (1988, passing), son of Jeff & Harriet Robinson

Reis Schneebalg (2010, birthday), son of Gina Schneebalg

Michael Litchford (1973, birthday), brother of Mollie Vigardt

Rachael Anne Kantrowitz (birthday), beloved daughter of Eileen and Michael Kantrowitz


Judy DeMichael (2012, passing), daughter of Maryann DeMichael

Kenneth Ditzel (2008, passing), son of Elaine Ditzel

Isaiah (2016, passing), son of Vivonne Mitchell

Jenna Baron (2013, passing), daughter of Jean Pagliughi

Kevin Michael Warren Jr. (2012, passing), son of Alissa Sorgenfrei

Branch Marie Bronstorph (1957, birthday), sister of Kimberly Smith

Gavin Russell (2007, birthday), beloved son of Cindy and Bill Russell


Allison Morales (1971, birthday), daughter of Marsha Calderon

Nicholas Demaio (1993, birthday), son of Angela Hansen

Troup Risser (1984, birthday), son of Wendy Holden

Saida Anselma Ann Mendoza (2006, birthday), daughter of April Mendoza

Randie Delmont (1966, birthday), daughter of Joel & Shelley Switko


Jim Connelly (birthday), father of Samantha Connelly

Neal Markowitz (1943, birthday), brother of Paula Ferstandig

Courtney O’Bryan (1993, birthday), daughter of Diane & Bill O’Bryan

Spencer Weiss (1993, birthday), son of Pam & Robert Weiss


Jon Anselmo (2010, passing), son of Joanne Anselmo

Brandon Dennis (1976, birthday), son of Michael Dennis

Tony Ferrante (1980, birthday), son of Sandy Ferrante

Laura Lee Flynn (2015, passing), daughter of Lee Flynn

Larry Marcus (1983, passing), son of Sondra Wolfson, brother of Ken Marcus

Kenneth Tyler (1995, birthday), son of Annie Tyler


William Grieco (1994, birthday), son of Chris Grieco

Jaqueline (2014, passing), daughter of Tammy Groody

Johnny (1989, birthday), grandson of Adrian Lazar

Annie Zygone (1961, birthday), daughter of Claire Maddox

Michael McNamara (1971, birthday), son of Robert & Marie McNamara

Spencer Reis (2012, passing), son of Jeff & Anita Reis, brother of Ryan Reis

Tricia Neitzel (2009, passing), daughter of Ralph & Pat Siniscalchi


Douglas Webster (1957, birthday), son of Margery Webster


Paul Peter Regan (2012, passing), son of Maryanne Campbell

Taylor Cavaliere (2011, passing), daughter of Dale & Ray Cavaliere, sister of Andrea, Jillian & Ray Cavaliere

Amanda Henderson (1987, birthday), daughter of Denise Henderson, sister of Jeanna Henderson

Nikki Kontor (1993, birthday), daughter of Joann Lombardi

Jessica Lynn Nolan (2009, passing), daughter of Janet & Tom Nolan

Mary Quinn (2015, passing), daughter of Kathleen & Thomas Quinn

Todd Wirtshafter (2004, passing), brother of Lisa Robbins

Aaron Diaz (2016, passing), son of Mike Diaz

Sanjula Singh (2019, passing), daughter of Sushma & Ashok Singh, sister of Sejal Singh

Brett Schreiber (1975, birthday), son of Sharon Schreiber


Andrew Droskoski (2010, passing), brother of James Droskoski

Andre Lamorta (2011, passing), son of Jean Germano

Karina (2013, passing), daughter of Eileen Haas-Linde

Jonathon Pohlen (2013, passing), brother of Michelle Pohlen

Christopher Shea (2016, passing), son of Katie Shea

Bari Swedlow (1968, birthday), daughter of Sheila & Richard Swedlow

Paul Ohsberg (1961, birthday), son of Helen Ohsberg


Jon Anselmo (1987, birthday), son of Joanne Anselmo

Brandon Carlisi (2018, passing), brother of Sabrina Carlisi

Adam Oberlander (1977, birthday), son of Carol & Norman Oberlander

Michael Rizzi (2014, passing), son of Marisa Rizzi

Maggie Schmitt (2000, birthday), sister of Steve Schmitt

Nicholas Shaw (2008, passing), son of Carol Shaw


Harold Goodman (2005, passing), brother of Joanne Goodman

Javiera Pagan (2015, passing), daughter of Selva Herrara-Pagan

Melissa McGeehan (2011, passing), daughter of Joyce McGeehan

Jason T. Micheline (1970, birthday), son of Stephanie Micheline

Richard Pusateri (2012, passing), brother of Jennifer Mirabelli and Steven Pusateri

Andhra Pradesh (1987, birthday), son of Lakshmi Prasanna

Michael Zombeck (2006, passing), brother of Ricci Zombeck

Asher Ryan Ferguson (2022, birthday), son of Ryan Ferguson


Pamela Ramoutar (2013, passing), sister of Christina Ramoutar

Thomas Michael Shavel (1972, birthday), son of Janet Shavel, brother of Joe Shavel


Jeffrey Lener (1960, birthday), son of Sherwin Lener, brother of Susan Lener

Michael Liebowitz (1983, birthday), brother of Danielle Liebowitz

Lauren Wilkinson (1983, birthday), sister of Jesse Wilkinson

Gabriel Hoffman (2019, passing), brother of Alee Hoffman

Salvatore Palagonia (1988, birthday), son of Joe Palagonia


David Cooperman (1975, birthday), son of Donna Cooperman, brother of Jason & Lindsay Kaufman

Eric Essman (1964, birthday), son of Sage Essman

Matthew Harris (2011, passing), son of Robie & Louis Harris

Victoria Riccardi (2011, passing), daughter of Judy Riccardi

Batya Tobin (1974, birthday), sister of Nadine Tobin

Paul Marchese (2016, passing), son of Laura Verardi

Benjamin Ziegelbaum (2006, passing), son of Amy Ziegelbaum


James William Brown (1959, birthday), son of Lucy Brown

Joanna (2005, passing), sister of Juliana Falbo

Scott Magid (1969, birthday), son of Helaine & Monte Magid

Maya Yasur (1989, birthday), sister of Hila Yasur


Woody Zalman (1989, birthday), son of Debra Berley

Marvin Birnbaum (1949, birthday), brother of Elaine Birnbaum

Steven Winter (1969, birthday), son of Ellen & Eugene Winter

James Geros (2011, passing), son of Dianne Geros

John Dougherty (2012, passing), son of Maryann Kilgannon

Seena Liff (1954, birthday), daughter of Eleanor Liff

Daniel Gordon (1988, birthday), son of Nancy Shapiro

Nicolas Shaw (1981, birthday), son of Carol Shaw

Anthony Raso (2002, birthday), son of Juliann & Peter Raso


Alanna Ambrosio (1991, birthday), daughter of Arleen Ambrosio, sister of Nicole Ambrosio

Jaryd Bartlette (1993, birthday), son of Toni Bartlette

Ashlee Rae Wolk (1984, birthday), sister of Danielle Bonfanti

Adam Bruckner (1982, birthday), son of Paula Bruckner

Thomas Sutton (2014, passing), son of Betty & Nick Conides

Marie Guilfu (1973, birthday), daughter of Mary Lewis

Sean Russo (1996, passing), son of Genie Salitra Belkin, brother of Shannon Russo-Pollack

Chava Swerdlik (1984, birthday), daughter of Hadassah Swerdlik


Shana Kay (1986, birthday), daughter of Jane & Randy Kay

Robert Lagois (2018, passing), son of Christine Lagois

Marsha (passing), daughter of Adrian Lazar

Todd Rosbash (2018, passing), son of Lauren Rosbash

James Zajicek (2013, passing), son of Anna Zajicek

Craig Dumain (1973, birthday), son of Judy Dumain

Monika Luna (2012, passing), daughter of Peg Griskauskas


Matthew Feit (2013, passing), son of Jeffrey Feit

Fedele Amling (1971, birthday), son of Linda Leone

Jodie Niehoff (2012, passing), daughter of Ruth Rubin

Lyla Stern (1993, birthday), daughter of Howard & Donna Stern


Chris Pelliccia (2014, passing), son of Arlene Darcy

Michael Gonzalez (1993, birthday), son of Alberto Gonzalez

Rosemary Kreinson (1931, birthday), mother of Nancy Kreinson

Kenneth Michael Lacks (1964, birthday), son of Gail Lacks

Jonathan “Yani” Polansky (1994, birthday), son of Denise & Cory Polansky

Ryan Rendleman (2008, passing), son of Teresa Rendleman

Aidan Seeger (2012, passing), son of Elisa Seeger

Harrison Horowitz (1988, birthday), son of Susan Weiss-Horowitz


Sabrina Garfield (2010, passing), daughter of George & Jugnu Garfield

Jessica Lynn Nolan (1986, birthday), daughter of Janet & Tom Nolan

Samantha Schwartz (2006, passing), daughter of Sheila M. Schwartz

Benjamin Weinblad (2011, passing), son of Ann Weinblad

Joseph Janowski (2019, passing), related to Lori Janowski



Eric Rattinger (1965, birthday), son of Anne Rattinger

Rosie Rafickrullah (1982, birthday), sister of Calvin Rafickrullah

Michael DiGioia (1981, birthday), son of Joan Axelrod, brother of Sam DiGioia

Michael Aaron Neeley (1981, birthday), son of Joy Neeley

Jan Rothstein (1997, passing), brother of Ellyn Rothstein

Daniel Aquila (2015, passing), son of Judy Aquila

Daniel “Dee” Babich (2015, passing), relative of Lauren Sloane

Reis Schneebalg (2015, passing), son of Gina Schneebalg

Stuart Gruskin (2009, passing), son of Renee Gruskin

Peter Kaliscik (2013, passing), son of Carol & Peter Kaliscik

Michelle Nardone (2008, passing), daughter of Nick Nardone

Thomas Yates (2014, passing), son of Lillian & David Yates

Darren Cecchini (1969, birthday), son of Eileen Karyl

Anthony Damiani (1960, birthday), son of Rose Damiani

Eileen Gilday (2019, passing), mother of Eileen Sullivan and Kevin Gilday


William Mark Laube (1982, birthday), son of Beth & William Laube

Gilbert (1992, birthday), daughter of the Bettancourt Family

Billy Laube (1989, birthday), brother of Christina Laube

David Mannino (1981, birthday), son of Linda Mannino

Sydney Gross (1990, birthday), daughter of Lori Duckstein

Rachel Anolik-Petrsoric (2007, passing), daughter of Rose & David Anolik

Justin Sellitti (1994, birthday), son of Melissa Sellitti



Adam Stark (1982, birthday), son of Candice & Jeff Stark

Joe Marino (1994, birthday), son of Diane Marino

Sean Finch (1995, birthday, 2015, passing), son of Leah Finch

Adam Stark (1982, birthday), brother of Mariel Stark Williams

Jesse Radowitz (1977, birthday), son of Sherry & Stu Radowitz

Pauline Nemati (2015, passing), daughter of Mitra & Iradj Nemati

Caitlin Mary Nelson (1996, birthday), daughter of Rosanne Nelson, sister of Anne Nelson, late father James


Jordana Arin Cooper (1974, birthday), sister of Jason Cooper

Patrick Murphy (2013, passing), son of Karen Murphy

Patrick Joseph Carney, Jr. (2015, passing), husband of Dora Carney

Deborah Barnes (2012, passing), daughter of Marcia & Frank Jedzrowski

Douglas (1960, birthday), son of Fred Ferri



Sheila Goldich (1967, birthday), daughter of Carol Goldich

Jeff Galluzzo (1967, birthday), son of Fran Galluzzo

Spencer Reis (1997, birthday), son of Jeff & Anita Reis, brother Ryan Reis

Matthew Lichten (1996, passing), son of Eric Lichten

Lauren Brittany Katz (2002, passing), son of Michelle & Saul Katz



Jesse Radowitz (2007, passing), son of Sherry & Stu Radowitz

Frank (1978, birthday), son of Donna & Frank D’Angelone

Michael Eichenbaum (birthday), son of Linda & Lee Eichenbaum

Ralph Attonito (2018, passing), son of Rose Attonito, brother of Kristina Attonito

Joseph Janssen (2013, passing), son of Mike Janssen

Cody McKenzie Gainey (2011, passing), son of Michelle Wright

Cliff Leslie (2000, passing), son of Yvonne Leslie

Jennifer Jimenez (2010, passing), sister of Julianne Jimenez

Christina Angelo (2010, passing), daughter of Aileen & Joseph Angelo

Joseph Janowski (1967, birthday), relative of Lori Janowski

Chris Bodalato (1970, birthday), brother of Michele Badolato



Alan Millman (1968, passing), son of Stecia Millman

Nick Cibelli (2010, passing), son of Pam Cibelli, brother of Jen Cibelli & Michelle Cibelli

Pietro Martini (1992, birthday), brother of Livia Martini

Suzanne Haber (1964, birthday), sister of Shari Klein

Nicholas Pignataro (2015, passing), son of Paula and Tony Pignataro



Daniel Frenkel (1992, birthday), brother of Anastasia Frenkel

Ryan Shaw (1978, birthday) son of Janice Shaw

Brandon Peykar (1980, birthday), brother of Jennifer Kamin Peykar

Ryan Groh (1993, birthday), son of Lisa Groh

James Gentry (1977, birthday), son of Theresa Gentry

Alyssa Cicchetti (2018, passing), daughter of Karen Cicchetti

Josh Sutton (2013, passing), brother of Jennifer Sutton

Keith Costigan (1998, passing), son of Kathie Costigan

Gwyn Sullivan (2012, passing), daughter of Joan Marlow

Adam Michael Zdunczyk (2008, passing), son of Kathy Zdunczyk

Adam Rayman (2004, passing), son of Anita & Harry Rayman

Ian Mass (2000, birthday), son of Elsa Mass

Thomas Mayberry (2024, anniversary), son of Brian Mayberry and Kathryn McDowell, brother of Kelly Mayberry



Steven Goldberg (1969, birthday), son of Carol Goldberg

Haley Anderson (1995, birthday) daughter of Karen Anderson

Jay Jimenez (1979, birthday), son of Liz Barbera

Pearl Laugen (2018, birthday & passing), daughter of Cassandra Leona Laugen



Shannon Powers (1997, birthday), daughter of Donna Powers

Christine DeSantis (2014, passing), daughter of Irene DeSantis

Donovan Trevor Schlitt (1988, birthday), beloved brother of William Jr.  and on of Karen and William Sr. 



Donna Hope (1969, birthday), daughter of Ellen & Jack Krampf

Matthew Bell, Jr. (1994, birthday), son of Matthew Bell

Markus Kotnik (2017, passing), son of Christine & Frank Kotnik

Michael Lewis (1966, birthday), son of Melinda Lewis

Gene Calk (1964, birthday), brother of Cindy Steier

David Moore (2023, passing), Eva Moore Ruiz, wife, Daniel E. Moore, son



Matthew (1973, birthday), son of Diane Colosono

Christina Formato (1992, birthday), daughter of Joe Formato, sister of Theresa Formato

Ralph Attonito (1953, birthday), son of Rose Attonito, brother of Kristina Attonito

Andrew Gerber (1986, birthday), son of Laurie Gerber

Andrew Burrous (2011, passing), son of Kathy & Bob Burrous



Pat Posillico (1978, birthday), son of Frances Posilico

Kevin Naccary (1968, birthday), brother of Meredith Van Schuyler

Joseph Oliva (1991, birthday), son of Theresa Oliva

Kelly Georgens (2015, passing), sister Allison Georgens Costello

Lakeya Strickland (2015, passing), daughter of Lakesha Strickland

James Totans (2011, passing), son of Priscilla Apicella

Nicholas Reimuller (2012, passing), son of Maureen Reimuller



Howard Brodsky (1961, birthday) son of Harriet & Phillip Brodsky

Michael Bloomberg (1971, birthday), son of Sandi & Jerry Bloomberg

Blaize Curtis Mansur (2013, passing), son of Susan Mansur

Isabella Contreras (2014, passing), daughter of Alex Contreras

Lori Schiffer (2013, passing), daughter of Helen Goldstein

Joseph  (2014, passing), son of Eric Capalado

Emily Goldner (2016, passing), daughter of Mary Goldner



Rochelle Simms (1984, birthday), sister of Andrea Simms

Michael (1987, birthday), son of Jaclyn & Michael Trotta

Michael Robinson (2004, birthday), brother of Michelle Robinson

Larry Finkel (2013, passing), son of Doris Finkel

Christopher Conklin (2014, passing), son of Gordon Conklin

Thomas Criscitelli (1987, birthday), son of Jill Bamberger and brother of Laura Criscitelli



Christian Everett Jenkins (2018, birthday), son of Sonya Senra

Staci Love (2002, passing), sister of Kimberli Erlich

Joseph Kenny (2014, passing), son of Kevin & Jo Kenny



Jeanine Pucci (1971, birthday) daughter of Bernadette Marino

Shannon Fearon (1987, birthday), sister of Catherine Krupp & Christine Himpler

Blake Carlin (1997, birthday), son of Jacqueline Carlin

Blaize Curtis Mansur (1994, birthday), son of Susan Mansur

Michael Navarrette (2020, passing), son of Kim diQuattro


Ryan Hannigan (1977, birthday), son of Anita & John Hannigan

Dan Gerstein (1985, birthday), brother of Rebecca Gerstein

Rebecca Guerin (1970, birthday), daughter of Rose Guerin

Leonard Ross (2007, passing), son of Irwin & Barbara Ross

Holly Schuller (2016, passing), daughter of Ann Schuller

Bobby Celentano (2005, passing), brother of Alyssa Celentano



Christopher J. Eisele (1985, birthday), son of John & Kathy Montoya

Kurt McAuliffe (2013, passing), son of Jeannie McAuliffe

Michelle Bergman (2010, passing), daughter of Marc & Jean Levinn, sister of Sharri Chahalis

Harriet Patronis (2015, passing), daughter of Despina Koukoulas

Dr. James Mathew Wiezorek (2013, passing), son of Mary Beringer

Darren Cecchini (2019, passing), son of Eileen Karyl





Jacob Goodman (1998, birthday), son of Nancy Goodman

Brad Stoll (2008, passing), son of Lucy & Howard Stoll

Douglas (2017, passing), son of Fred Ferri

Adam Jacobs (2009, passing), son of Rick “Pops” Jacobs



Michael Lombardo (1981, birthday), son of Fran Jennings

Joseph Goldman (1967, birthday), brother of Gina Goldman

Larry (1963, birthday), son of Leona Lubitz

Christian Darling (2016, passing), son of Donna Darling

Michael Madigan (2017, passing), son of Marisa Madigan



Chistopher Shea (1995, birthday), son of Katie Shea

Daniel Milch (1980, birthday), son of Linda Milch

Anthony Rodriguez (2014, birthday), son of Luis & Jannette Rodriguez

Dex Nuzzi (2011, passing), son of Robert Nuzzi

Walter Allen Hardy, III (2013, passing), son of Delores Mower

Ryan Wollman (2016, passing), son of Todd Wollman

Michael Lewis (2019, passing), son of Melinda Lewis

Martin Abruzzo (1957, birthday), brother of Lauren Abruzzo

Steven Benjamin (1992, birthday), son of Steven Benjamin

Theodore Papadogiannis (2019, passing), brother of Timothy Papadogiannis



Isabella Contreras (2006, birthday), daughter of Alex Contreras

Mario Guy Mendez (1968, birthday), son of Ellen Pontecorvo

Jimmy Frost (1964, birthday), son of Helen Frost

Adam Cohen (1974, birthday), son of Marilyn Cohen

Isaiah (2003, birthday), son of Vivonne Mitchell

Troup Risser (2006, passing), son of Wendy Holden



Larry Gnolfo (1961, birthday), son of Coral & Jim Gnolfo

Jerry Hart (1975, birthday), son of Helen Geslak

Miranda Marciano (1993, birthday), daughter of Jeff Marciano

Joshua Link (1980, birthday), son of Linda & Ronald Link, brother of Sara Link & Eric Neisner

Tiara Durham (1993, birthday), daughter of Tonya Durham

Dale Dampf (2010, passing), daughter of Paula Dampf

Tony Ferrante (2013, passing), son of Sandy Ferrante

Eric Scott Finkelstein (1979, birthday), son of Helene Finkelstein



Adam Stark (2001, passing), son of Candice & Jeff Stark

Christopher F. Elshamy (1983, birthday), son of Haydee Santiago

Todd Rosbash (2005, birthday), son of Lauren Rosbash

Cantor David Tauber Wiener (1973, birthday), son of Phyllis Wiener

Kaeli Kramer (2009, passing), Linda & Peter Kramer

Sharon Gallucci (passing), daughter of Patti Greenberg, sister of Ben & Cheryl Greenberg, Marne & Alexander Smyles, Patti Greenberg, Rob & Melanie Gallucci



Jimmy Frost (2017, passing), son of Helen Frost

James Zajicek (1980, birthday), son of Anna Zajicek

Johnathan Gonzales (2015, passing), son of Donna Gonzales

Michael Kwartler (2013, passing), son of Jeff Kwartler, brother of Jessica Kwartler

Sarah Akhtar (2018, passing), daughter of Fatima Akhtar

Andrew Cohen (1983, birthday), son of Barbara Israel



Johnathan Gonzales (1983, birthday), son of Donna Gonzales

Joanna Elizabeth Johnson (1990, birthday), daughter of Donna Johnson

Sean Egan (1983, birthday), brother of Ellen & Paige Siebert

Leonard Ross (1979, birthday), son of Irwin & Barbara Ross

Marco (1966, birthday), father of Jessica Caban

Joanna Elizabeth Johnson (1990, birthday), sister of Laura Johnson

Paul Marchese (1972, birthday), son of Laura Verardi

Thomas Reynolds (1998, birthday), son of Lisa Reynolds

Mitchell Lippman (1958, birthday), son of Mona Zenke

Joshua Weiner (1987, birthday), brother of Rachel Weiner

Jacqueline (1993, birthday), daughter of Tammy Groody

Rebekah Frucht (2012, passing), daughter of Morton Frucht, sister of Joseph Frucht

Elisheva Basya (2010, passing), daughter of Sarah Lerner

Maddy Mieschberger (2018, passing), daughter of Tracy Mieschberger

Eric Essman (2000, passing), son of Sage Essman

Laura Elizabeth Giampino (2007, passing), daughter of Caryn Pesce



Fran Sharp Auslander (1978, birthday), daughter of Robert & Arlene Sharp, sister of Ari Sharp, Shaun & Elissa Sharp

Mark Edwin Fant (1959, birthday), son of Winnie Fant

Robert Kevin O’Hara (2011, passing), son of Patricia O’Hara



Larry Yerys (1971, birthday), son of Abbey & Paul Yerys, brother of Ben Yerys

Susan (1961, birthday), sister of Joan Shapiro

Eric Schalet (1962, birthday), son of Sandra Protass

Joshua Faithfull (2000, birthday), son of Gabrielle & Joseph Faithfull



Michael Aaron Neeley (2006, passing), son of Joy Neeley

Daniel Weiss (2009, passing), Hannah Weiss

Michael Unger (2017, passing), son of Patricia L Unger

Yaacov (Jake) Soffer Levy (1997, passing), son of Barbara Levy



Derlo Woolard (1984, birthday), son of Connie Hardman

Jonathan Cotromano (2012, passing), son of Suzanne Cotromano

Maggie Schmitt (2017, passing), sister of Steve Schmitt

Nava Mitnick (2018, passing), sister of Nili Finger

Holly Cullen (2013, passing), sister of Amy Cullen

Keith O’Malley (2014, passing), son of Barbara O’Malley

Thomas Criscitelli (2019, passing), son of Jill Bamberger and brother of Laura Criscitelli



Jason (1966, birthday), father of Matthew Coriaty

Kenny Beers (1963, birthday), brother of Amy Resnik

Jaclyn Weil (1993, birthday), daughter of Korinne Weil

Gabriel Kane (2003, passing), son of Jeff & Janet Kane

Richard Carbone (2012, passing), son of Richard & Billie Carbone

Drew Romeo (2018, passing), son of Deborah Romero

Terry C. Long, Jr. (2005, passing), brother of Jen Gaynor

Alexis Zayas (2018, passing), daughter of Ava Jacobs, sister of Daniel & Matthew Jacobs

Michael Navarrette (1997, birthday), son of Kim diQuattro


Robert Reilly (1992, birthday), brother of Meagan Reilly

Rachel Lynch (2009, passing), daughter of Doreen & Chris Lynch

Brian Bazuro (2012, passing), son of Janet & Ralph Bazuro

Phillip Clemens (2010, passing), son of Frieda & Philip Clemens

Samuel Okoronkwo (2016, passing), father of Marizu Okoronkwo

Kyle Mathias (2017, passing), son of Roger and Deb Moroney


Shaun Brala (1990?, birthday), son of Lisa & John Brala, brother of Christie Brala

Caitlin Petrou (1985, birthday), daughter of Bridgette Dooley

Andrew Goldman (1987, birthday), son of Valerie & Gary Goldman

Amanda Krieger (1971, birthday), sister of Jessica Kieninger

Alfred Speehr (1967, birthday), son of Margaret Perillo

Joel Preddy (1980, birthday), son of Josette Preddy

Michael Unger (1968, birthday), son of Patricia L. Unger

Larry Yerys (1990, passing),  son of Abbey & Paul Yerys, brother of Ben Yerys

Nathan Davidson (2008, passing), son of Kimberly Davidson

Adam Jacobs (1984, birthday), son of Rick “Pops” Jacobs


Evan Spiegel (2017, birthday), son of Jessica Spiegel

Cory Vogel (1987, birthday), son of Lisa & Jay Vogel

Stephen Fay (2012, passing), son of Thomas Fay and Pennie Fay Licalzi, brother of Andrew Fay

William “Bill” Towey (2018, passing), brother of Mary Monahan



Stephen Fay (1992, birthday), son of Thomas Fay and Pennie Fay Licalzi, brother of Andrew Fay

Gabriel Kane (1981, birthday), son of Jeff & Janet Kane

Holly Oestreich (1978, birthday), daughter of Joyce and Marty Oestreich, sister of Lindsay Oestreich

Randy Sokol (2018, passing), sister of Kathy Sokol



Charles “Chuck” Wolfrath (1970, birthday), son of Judy Wolfrath

Blakely Kay (2004, passing), daughter of Barbara Russell

Rutger Osterroth (1975, passing), father of Karen & Alan Flyer

James William Brown (2015, passing), son of Lucy Brown



Laura Lee Flynn (1974, birthday), daughter of Lee Flynn

Kelly Dinonno (1968, birthday), daughter of Sally Ryan

Lakeya Strickland (2006, birthday), daughter of Lakesha Strickland

Kenneth Michael Warren (1986, birthday), son of Karen Warren

Anthony Sirio (2018, passing), son of Valerie Sirio

Steven Grauer (2008, passing), son of Susan Grauer



Kathy Holvknecht (1990, birthday), daughter of Anne Holvknecht

Joseph Miles (1985, birthday), grandson of Audrey Robinson

Stacey Mickus (2011, passing), daughter of Debbie & Bill Carberry, sister of Samantha Nanni

Jonathan Staudigel (2016, passing), son of Sharon Gunther

Jon Wakiya Krug (2014, passing), son of Kari Krug

Erin Rose Clemens (1981, birthday & passing), daughter of Frieda & Philip Clemens



Kayla Schwartz (2017, passing), sister of Brooke Schwartz

Michael Liebowitz (2016, passing), brother of Danielle Liebowitz

Karen Rose Eichin (2010, passing), daughter of Karen & Daniel Rose



Hilary Paige Bernstein (1991, birthday), daughter of Neal Bernstein & Barbara Varnhagen

Morgan Crofton (1991, birthday), sister of Megan Crofton

Ryan (1997, birthday), son of Kristen Scalise

Lance Topol (1972, birthday), son of Arlene Topol

Dean Galasso (2011, passing), son of Priscilla Galasso

Anthony Maletta (2005, passing), son of Eleanor DeFalco

Reza Abedi (2009, passing), son of Parvaneh Abedi, brother of Leyla Abedi

Andrew James Cherpak, III (2009, passing), son of Lee Ann Cherpak, brother of Christine Cherpak

Jeanann Giordano Gilligan (1983, birthday), daughter of Felicia Giordano


Kiana Ianotti (1978, birthday), daughter of Diane Diblasi

Sabrina Garfield (1979, birthday), daughter of George & Jugnu Garfield

Ian Stellaccio (2018, passing), son of Stephanie Stellaccio

Samantha (“Sammi”) Mergentime (2009, passing), daughter of Melanie & Larry Mergentime

Andrew Gerber (2016, passing), son of Laurie Gerber

Andrew Weiner (2014, passing), brother of Leslie Glick

Adam Pomper (2012, passing), son of Bruce Pomper



Jaclyn Scarabino (1988, birthday), daughter of Diane & Robert Scarabino

Ed Schuldner (1968, birthday), son of Barbara Schuldner

Michael Schwartz (1957, birthday), son of Lotte Schwartz



Christopher A. Basmas (1982, birthday), brother of Cynthia Russo

Kelly Salgine (1983, birthday), daughter of Michael & Tina Salgine

Owen Sheridan (1977, birthday), son of Jim Sheridan

Jacob Grady Smith (2010, birthday & passing), son of Jason & Kathleen Smith

Scott Biggart (2011, passing), son of Jeanne & Kurt Biggart

Kevin Gilday (2012, passing), son of Eileen Gilday, brother of Kathleen Harten

Justin Carroll (2009, passing), son of Jean Carroll

Rebecca Swender (2008, passing), sister of Melissa Swender



Liam Barry (1989, birthday), son of Matthew & Andra Barry

Pauline Nemati (1979, birthday), daughter of Mitra & Iradj Nemati

Brian Pupke (1994, birthday), son of Robert & Heather Pupke

Sean Alger (2010, passing), son of Frances Alger

Kimberly Coffey (2012, passing), daughter of Patti Wukovitz

Warren Kraft (2013, passing), son of Warren Kraft



Michelle Bergman (1967, birthday), daughter of Marc Jean Levinn, sister of Sharri Chahalis

Suzanne Fox (1972, birthday), daughter of Carol Fox

Kenneth Grym (1989, birthday), son of Kelly Grym

Alyssa Seaman (1988, birthday), daughter of Mary & Donald Seaman

Alan Cohen (2015, passing), father of Lindsay Cohen

Lonny Ostrofsky (2001, passing), son of Marilyn Ostrofsky

Brendan Aykroyd (2011, passing), son of Sandi Aykroyd



Haylen Ava Lee (2011, birthday), daughter of Natalie Johnson Lee

Alexis Pilkington (1992, birthday), daughter of Paula Pilkington

Christina (2017, passing), sister of Jenni Harrington

Boruch Teldon (1991, passing), son of Chaya & Rabbi Tuvia Teldon

Lynn Epstein (2018, passing), daughter of Felice Epstein



Christopher Brown (1996, birthday), son of Nancy Brown

Steven Kovacs (1987, birthday), son of Joni Howe, Wayne & Elaine Kovacs, stepson of Michael Howe & Debra Mochado

Danielle Peress (1984, birthday), daughter of Julie Peress

Edward Ennis (2009, passing), son of Paula Nolan

Maya Yasur (2018, passing), sister of Hila Yasur

Leeor Perl (2004, passing), daughter of Aliza Perl



Aram Chowdhury (1976, birthday), son of Ellen & Faizur Chowdhury

Kevin Lynch (1961, birthday), son of Barbara Lynch

Gabriel Pierro (1986, birthday), son of Fabian Pierro

Rhiannon Scott (2002, birthday), sister of the Scott family

Cody McKenzie Gainey (1992, birthday), son of Michelle Wright

Joseph Mastrangelo (2011, passing), son of Christine & Michael Mastrangelo

Jeffrey Wagner (2015, passing), son of Brian & Rosemary Wagner, brother of Tara McErlean

John (2015, passing), husband of Rosanna Sopack

Matthew Pierre (2007, birthday), son of Edwin & Jeri Pierre and brother of Nyla Pierre



Janna Altarac (1984, birthday), daughter of Faith Altarac, sister of Jocelyn Verbeeck

Victoria Cuevas (1993, birthday), daughter of Beverly Klein

Mark Anthony Governale (1985, birthday), son of Diana Roscigno

Kenny (2016, passing), brother of Cheryl Block

William H. Long (2011, passing), brother of Jen Gaynor

David Leslie (2016, passing), husband of Karen Leslie

Danielle Nicole Jerome (2022, passing), beautiful daughter of Christopher & Janice Jerome who is missed everyday



Haylen Ava Lee (2013, passing), daughter of Natalie Johnson Lee

Hemant Mehta (1966, birthday), father of Priyanka Mehta

Chloe Weil (1985, birthday), daughter of Dina Weil

Tracey Young (1969, birthday), sister of April Young

Dawn Leslie (2008, passing), daughter of Karen & David Leslie

Steven N. Wolkoff (2008, passing), son of Sandy Wolkoff

Jordan Anthony (2012, passing), son of Anna-Margareta Ruoccomonares

Josephine Avolio Kovacs (2010, passing), sister of Cathy Avolio



Nicole Novick (1972, birthday), daughter of Carol & Gerry Acker

James Geros (1990, birthday), son of Dianne Geros

Jarrad William Mancuso (1983, birthday), son of Sheree & John Mancuso

John Paul Pedagna (1965, birthday), son of Frances Pedagna

Rachel Small (1984, birthday), sister of Hannah Small

Josh Sutton (1981, birthday), brother of Jennifer Sutton

Benjamin Ziegelbaum (1988, birthday), son of Amy Ziegelbaum

Bryan Kessler (2016, passing), son of Joanne Eastwood

Mario Guy Mendez (2004, passing), son of Ellen Pontecorvo



Stephen Clark (1994, birthday), son of Rosemary & Joe Clark

Kieran McCaffrey (1990, birthday), son of John & Tara McCaffrey

Giancarlo Mayor (2018, passing), son of Juan Carlos Mayor

Blake Carlin (2014, passing), son of Jacqueline Carlin

Beth Adams (2005, passing), daughter of Becky Garduno

Finneaus Joseph Egan (2012, passing), son of Emily Snyder

Andrew Blackman (2009, passing), son of Marcia & Jay Blackman



Christopher Conklin (1988, birthday), son of Gordon Conklin

Holli Haymes (1963, birthday), sister of Ellen Heller

Rachel Lynch (1982, birthday), daughter of Doreen & Chris Lynch

Rebecca Rosenblatt (1989, birthday), daughter of Jonah & Lisa Rosenblatt

Raizy Rosenblatt (1979, birthday), sister of Navah Rosenblatt

Jordan Moss (2012, passing), son of Meryll Moss

Justin Carlo (2014, passing), son of Al Carlo

Ramell McRae (2018, passing), son of Shawanda Eskarge

Martin Belonsky (2014, passing), son of Medline Belonsky

Michael Joseph Fisher (2010, passing), son of Carol Fisher



Ronald Eisenburg (1943, birthday), brother of Linda Biderman

Richard Carbone (1984, birthday), son of Richard & Billie Carbone

Ian Stellaccio (1978, birthday), son of Stephanie Stellaccio

Eric Britton (2013, passing), brother of Laurie Britton



Joseph Polchinski (1990, birthday), son of Lena Polchinski

Shane Verity (1985, birthday), son of Pat Verity



Justin Calvano (1977, birthday), brother of Kristen Calvano

Sanford (Sandy) Drexler (1961, birthday), son of Shelly Drexler

Alana McClinton (1990, birthday), daughter of Joyce Nolan

Tommy Calvano (1977, birthday), related to Jennifer Webb

Michael Robinson (2018, passing), brother of Michelle Robinson

Michael John Pina Jr. (1991, birthday), son of Alisha Pendleton



Jeffrey Feldman (1976, birthday), son of Michael & Harriet Feldman, brother of Jennifer Feldman

Karen Lynster (1959, birthday), mother of Rhiannon Lynster

Howie Robinson (1970, birthday), son of Jeff & Harriet Robinson

Kayla Schwartz (1989, birthday), sister of Brooke Schwartz

Corey Loeliger-Myers (2013, passing), brother of Kenny Loeliger-Myers

Jonathan Glasgal (1997, passing), son of Judith Long, brother of David Glasgal



Andre Graydon (1987, birthday), son of Stephanie Draine

Todd Grayson (1970, birthday), son of Florence & Jerry Grayson

Giancarlo Mayor (1995, birthday), son of Juan Carlos Mayor

Sean Alger (1986, birthday), son of Frances Alger

Shannon (1981, birthday), brother of Cynthia McNamara

Frank (2018, passing), son Donna & Frank D’Angelone

Melissa Giorgio (2008, passing), daughter of Mary Giorgio

Brian Stabile (2016, passing), son of Sharon Stabile



Samantha Karolin (1988, birthday), daughter of Mara Karolin

Paul Purcaro (1989, birthday), son of Josephine Purcaro

Joseph Wood (1991, birthday), son of Diane Wood

Harley Bruce Jr. (“Dub”) (2005, birthday), son of Harley Jesse & Codi Dornan

Jennifer Taylor Bell (2009, passing), daughter of Jane & Jonathan Bell

Michelle Nourmand (2014, passing), daughter of Simin Nourmand, sister of Joseph Nourmand

Thomas Urraro (2011, passing), son of Linda Amodio

Rosie Rafickrullah (2016, passing), sister of Calvin Rafickrullah

Frank Berin (2010, passing), son of Diane Berin

Christopher Procci (2012, passing), brother of Kim Procci

Naomi Popper (2009, passing), daughter of Alex & Ronnie Popper

Russell Ferber (2002, passing), brother of Jordan Ferber



Jared Kalensky (1979, birthday), brother of Jana Diamond

Bryan Enczelewski (1969, birthday), brother of Heather Enczelewski

Beth Adams (birthday), daughter of Becky Garduno

John Sopack (2013, passing), son of Rosanna Sopack

Ariella Weiss (2007, passing), daughter of Annette & Robert Weiss

Michelle Fitch (2018, passing), daughter of Barbara Cilla



Melissa Sue Bakker (1987, birthday), daughter of Donna Bakker

Christopher Pavlica (1966, birthday), father of Pavlica Family

James Volpe (1982, birthday), son of Karen Volpe

Lewis Schwartz (2016, passing), brother of Jen & Matthew Schwartz

Shana Kay (2005, passing), daughter of Jane & Randy Kay

Gina Memoli (2015, passing), daughter of Barbara & Mike Memoli



Rebecca Goldstein (1991, birthday), daughter of Rachel Goldstein-Florio

Corey Govier (1988, birthday), son of Debbie Govier

Stacey Beth Kessler (1979, birthday), daughter of Ronnie & Ira Kessler

Victoria Gaines (2012, passing), daughter of Paul Gaines



Jeffrey Goldstein (1998, passing), son of Sharon Cutler

Gabriel Pierro (2015, passing), son of Fabian Pierro

Michael Mulhall (2010, passing), son of Peggy Mulhall

Casey Andrew Lohne (2019, angel passing), Beth and Craig Lohne parents and Aidan Lohne brother



Heath Bogin (birthday), son of Esther & Jerry Bogin

Robert Carpinelli (1990, birthday), son of Linda Carpinelli

Nicholas Dempsey (1997, birthday), son of Jennifer Dempsey

Victoria Gaines (2004, birthday), daughter of Paul Gaines

Michael Isaacs (1991, birthday), son of Cheryl Isaacs

Christopher Simpson (1977, birthday), son of Kathy & Kenny Prisco

Nathan Allyn Sherman (1982, birthday), son of Deborah Sherman

Chloe Weil (2014, passing), daughter of Dina Weil



Jochen Gellert (1947, birthday), daughter of the Fitzroy Family

Jeff Reczkowski (1965, birthday) brother of Rita ONeill

Brian Pupke (2011, passing), son of Robert & Heather Pupke

Rhonda (Reeva) Levine (2013, passing), daughter of Carole Levine

Louie Manzella (2011, passing), son of Nancy Manzella

Phoenix Anderson (2005, passing), son of Linda Anderson

Hunter Wolfe (2011, passing), son of Tony Wolfe



Luciano do Vale. (1984, birthday), brother of Lucimara Aguirre

Andrew Weiner (1969, birthday), brother Leslie Glick

Samantha Koulias (1991, birthday), daughter of Peggy Koulias

Dana Solomon (2010, passing), son of Giovannina Leto

Steven Kovacs (2009, passing), son of Joni Howe, Michael Howe, Debra Mochado, & Wayne & Elaine Kovacs

Michael Klinofsky (2015, passing), son of Jill Klinofsky




Gabrielle Azzarelli (1992, birthday), daughter of Camille Azzarelli

Keith Costigan (1971, birthday), son of Kathie Costigan

Anna Finkelstein (2009, passing), sister of Katherine Finkelstein

Michael Litchford (2011, passing), brother of Mollie Vigardt

Kevin Naccary (2009, passing), brother Meredith Van Schuyler

Maureen (2013, passing), daughter of Anne Brack

Samantha Blacharski (2015, passing), daughter of Nancy Blacharski

Stevemarie Cittidini (2017, passing), sister of Karen Pike



Kevin Keating (1979, birthday), son of Eileen Keating

Garrett Bender (1995, birthday), son of Steve & Desiree Bender

Michael Salerno (2014, passing), son of Patricia Salerno

Robert Julian White (2008, passing), son of Cassandra King

Eric Strauss (2011, passing), son of David Strauss

Thomas Mayberry (2000, birthday), son of Brian Mayberry and Kathryn McDowell, sister of Kelly Mayberry



Patrick Joseph Carney, Jr. (1969, birthday), husband of Dora Carney

Patrick Curley (1972, birthday), son of MaryAnn Curley

Joshua Levi (1979, birthday), son of Suzanne Levi

Frederick Drey Meine (1993, birthday), son of Denise Meine-Graham

James Guerin (1947, birthday), husband of Rose Guerin

Wayne Lipinski (2010, passing), son of Sue Lipinski

Mitchell Bauman (2005, passing), son of Pearl & Leo Bauman

Paul Jacobson (2015, passing), son of Diane Parini

Evan Spiegel (2017, passing), son of Jessica Spiegel



Alexa Cardone (1999, birthday), daughter of Nicole Cardone

Kevin Gilday (1955, birthday), son of Eileen Gilday, brother of Kathleen Harten

James Hall (1990, birthday), son of Mary Jo Hall

TerriAnn Clarke (1965, birthday), daughter of Terry Hoffman

Cliff Leslie (1970, birthday), son of Yvonne Leslie

Victoria Lamorta-Baumann (2009, passing), daughter of Jean Germano



Harriet Patronis (1964, birthday), daughter of Despina Koukoulas

Gwyn Sullivan (1973, birthday), daughter of Joan Marlow

Adam Pomper (1993, birthday), son of Bruce Pompe

Jim Connelly (2011, passing), father of Samantha Connelly

Steven Winter (2018, passing), son of Eugene & Ellen Winter

Jaclyn Scarabino (2012, passing), daughter of Diane & Robert Scarabino

Rhiannon Scott (2016, passing), sister of the Scott Family

Genovieve Soumia (2013, passing), daughter of Ann Rickmeyer



Adam Spizz (1986, passing), son of Alex & Marika Spizz, brother of Jack & Kim Spizz

Zachary Fazekas (2018, passing), son of Sara Fazekas

Alexus (Lexi) Marie Bonasera (2020, passing), Daughter of Jackie & Mike Bonasera, Mother of baby Liam



Ross Micheals (1997, birthday) son of Catherine & John Micheals

Hope Freed (1959, birthday), daughter of Harriet & Bernard Shurgan

Monica Valencia (1976, birthday), sister of Julianna Valencia

Diane Laraine Gordon (1979, passing), sister of Laraine Gordon

Asher Ryan Ferguson (2023, passing), son of Ryan Ferguson



Jennifer Jimenez (1987, birthday), sister of Julianne Jimenez

Abigail Trent (1990, birthday), daughter of Amy Persaud

Michael Bloomberg (2013, passing), son of Sandi & Jerry Bloomberg



Kelly Burton (1985, birthday), daughter of Cathy Burton

Jonathon Pohlen (birthday), brother of Michelle Pohlen

Nathan Allyn Sherman (2003, passing), son of Deborah Sherman

Jochen Gellert (2018, passing), daughter of the Fitzroy Family

Jordyn Fisher (2011, passing), daughter of Beth & Dick Fisher



Dominic Amodeo (1988, birthday), son of Jayne and Howie Goldberg

Marci Reller (2009, passing), daughter of Florence Weil

Brittney Shulman (2015, passing), daughter of Susan Shulman

Jason (2011, passing), son of Joan Dacorta



Russell Ciolli (1972, birthday), son of Gloria & Bruce Ciolli

Michael DiMaria (1987, birthday), son of Patti & Joseph DiMaria, brother of Jennifer DiMaria

Brendon Redmond (1989, birthday), son of Dori Redmond

John Sopack (1975, birthday), son of Rosanna Sopack

Uzziah Taylor (1993, birthday), son of Audrey Taylor

Victor Orlando Woolson (1993, birthday), son of Teresa Woolsen

Justin Kostoff (2013, passing), son of Lisa Alter

Joseph DeMolfetto (2018, passing), son of Lori DeMolfetto

Scott Lundgren (2011, passing), son of Anna & Ronald Lundgren



Kendra Bowers (1994, birthday), sister of Kayla Bowers

Anthony Maletta (1969, birthday), son of Eleanor DeFalco

Nicholas Ferrante (1992, birthday), son of Jayne & Enrico Ferrante

Walter Allen Hardy, III (1984, birthday), son of Delores Mower

Allison Jamie Schwartz (2010, passing), daughter of Christopher Ihm

Kaitlyn Dougherty (2013, passing), daughter of Denise Dougherty

Tyler Pine (2011, passing), son of Kathy & Craig Pine

Sonia Dubey (2010, passing), son of G & Mariam Dubey

Devin Rogers (2020, passing), son of Pat Rogers 



Aidan Seeger (2004, birthday), son of Elisa Seeger

Nikki Kontor (2010, birthday), daughter of Joann Lombardi

Jason C. Levine (2010, passing), son of Shelly Balanoff



Amanda Henderson (2015, passing), daughter of Denise Henderson, sister of Jeanna Henderson

Shaun Singh (2014, passing), son of Renoka Singh

Cindy Behrmann-Veede (2008, passing), daughter of Sheila Behrmann

Tamar Swerdlik (2015, passing), daughter of Hadassah Swerdlik



Justin Kostoff (1992, birthday), son of Lisa Alter

Seth Fink (1974, birthday), son of Arlene Orth

Alex Hanan (2018, passing), son of Robert & Andrea Hanan, brother of Dean Hanan

Allison Morales (2004, passing), daughter of Marsha Calderon

Taylor Hirsch (2017, passing), son of LaRue & Barry Hirsch

Laverne Ruth Pike (2018, passing), sister of Karen Pike



Rishi Prasad (1984, birthday), son of Diana Allie

Barry Silverstein (1968, birthday), son of Brenda Litzky

Vanessa Algios (1979, birthday), daughter of Maureen T Morrow

Erin Carlson (2017, passing), sister of Lauren Carlson

Trinity James (2018, passing), daughter of Brian & Shanyn James

Sydney Gross (2009, passing), daughter Lori Duckstein



Joseph (1989, birthday), son of Eric Capalado

Billy Garfield (1978, birthday), son of Roberta & Richie Garfield

Eric Licursi (1985, birthday), son of Donna Licursi, brother of Lorraine Licursi

Brendon Bittner (1980, birthday), brother of Jessica Markus

Eric Perrin (1979, birthday), son of Barbara & Steven Perrin

Matthew Ravner (1988, birthday), son of Louise & Jody Ravner

James Volpe (2018, passing), son of Karen Volpe

Nicholas Maniscalco (2014, passing), son of Deborah Gibson

Caroline Swift (2014, passing), daughter of Freddie Swift



JoAnna (1983, birthday), sister of Juliana Falbo

Ariella Weiss (2005, birthday), daughter of Annette & Robert Weiss

Adam Oberlander (2015, passing), son of Carol & Norman Oberlander

Pam McKelvey (2016, passing), sister of Joan McKelvey

Paizlee Grayce Pittman (2012, birthday)
Hannah (Mother), Mayllee (Sister), Kaizlee (Sister), Timberlee (Sister) and Cambri (Sister)



Gilad Vaday (2000, passing), son of Sara & Shalom Vaday

Mikaela Tick (2013, passing), daughter of Jeffrey Tick

Kyra Franchetti (2016, passing), daughter of Jaqueline Franchetti

Cairo Brown (2018, passing), son of Shanet Outing-Brown

Paizlee Grayce Pittman (2012, passing)
Hannah (Mother), Mayllee (Sister), Kaizlee (Sister), Timberlee (Sister) and Cambri (Sister)                                                                                                      
Donovan Trevor Schlitt (2018, passing), beloved brother of William Jr.  and on of Karen and William Sr. 



Michael Zombeck (1984, birthday), brother of Ricci Zombeck

Robert Egan (2014, passing), son of Carla Egan



Vanessa Borg (1982, birthday), daughter of Alice & Michael Borg

Howard Safir (2006, passing), son of Lucy Safir



Tony Del Rio (1966, birthday), son of Linda Marino

Mike Yedid (1990, birthday), son of Elyse Yedid, brother of Alan & David Yedid



Tyler Heelan (1990, birthday), son of Leslie Heelan

Vanessa Borg (2006, passing), daughter of Alice & Michael Borg

Peter Fedden (2013, passing), brother of Jaimee Lee Fedden



Lauren Reed (1963, birthday), daughter of Marilyn Proios, sister of Denise Collins

Warren Levitt (1963, birthday), son of Carole Levitt, brother of Kenneth Levitt

Vicki Goldstein (1963, birthday), daughter of Marie Picucci

Brian Bainko (2014, passing), son of Linda Javorowsky

Alanna Ambrosio (2016, passing), daughter of Arleen Ambrosio, sister of Nicole Ambrosio

Matthew Kuzmiak (2018, passing), son of Debbie Kuzmiak



Terrence Ambro (1994, birthday), son of Susan & Richard Ambro

Robert Fein (1950, birthday), brother of Susan Fein

Michael Klinofsky (1985, birthday), son of Jill Klinofsky

Debbie Neil (1966, birthday), sister of Nikeeya Neil

Andrew Torres (2012, passing), son of Benjamin Torres



Shawn Santo (1992, birthday), brother of Steven Santo

Patrick (1995, birthday), related to Barbara Steffans

Kevin Keating (2018, passing), son of Eileen Keating

Rebecca Quatinetz (2009, passing), sister of Lara Quatinetz

Dayana Lizeth Angulo (2013, passing), daughter of Maritza Vargas & Brian Giordano



Susan Camanian (1959, birthday), daughter of Rosalind Galinson

Stuart Gruskin (1959, birthday), son of Renee Gruskin

Pam McKelvey (birthday), sister of Joan McKelvey

Keith Peters (1966, birthday), son of Sandra Peters

Kimberly Coffey (1994, birthday), daughter of Patti Wukovitz

Jadaya Young (2018, birthday), daughter of Julie Young

Jonathan (Yani) Polansky (2012, passing), son of Denise & Cory Polansky

Steven Perez (passing), brother of Dana Perez, Rachel & Rick Perez



Jaxson (2015, birthday), daughter of Jessie Mullarkey

Keith Stock (1977, birthday), son of Tracy Stock

Drew Nugent (2011, passing), son of Johanna Nugent, brother of Kayla Nugent

Robert Bell (2010, passing), son of Gladys Bell

Holly Oestreich (2007, passing), daughter of Joyce and Marty Oestreich, sister of Lindsay Oestreich

Jeffrey David Firak (2000, passing), son of Debbie Firak

Dr. Gabriel Goodwin (2017, passing), son of Carol Goodwin

Nicholas J Churillo Jr (2018, passing), son of Anita Churillo



Brian Bainko (1973, birthday), son of Linda Javorowsky

Mohamad Abbas Momin (1984, birthday), brother of Farah Momin

Anthony Massaia (1994, birthday), son of Suzanne & Philip Massaia

Robert Moss (2008, passing), son of Bob & Krista Moss

Hilary Paige Bernstein (2011, passing), daughter of Neal Bernstein & Barbara Varnhagen

Stacey Beth Kessler (2013, passing), daughter of Ronnie & Ira Kessler

Eric Perrin (2001, passing), son of Barbara & Steven Perrin

Anthony Latorre (2012, passing), son of Vito & Gina Latorre



Terrence R. Joseph (1974, birthday), son of Georgia Grant

Matthew Harris (1985, birthday), son of Robie & Louis Harris

Robert F. Miner III (1987, birthday), son of Laurie & Robert Miner

Jordyn Mariah Pina (1994, passing), daughter of Alisha Pendleton



Ethan Max Williams (2001, birthday), son of Michelle Burgess

Kierin Garvey (1992, birthday), son of William & Theresa Garvey, brother of Shannon Garvey

Melissa Giorgio (1986, birthday), daughter of Mary Giorgio

Samantha Lazazzaro (2002, birthday), daughter of Maria Lazazzaro

Scott Lundgren (1974, birthday), son of Anna & Ronald Lundgren

Joseph Pratt (1994, birthday), son of Susan Pratt

Ken Schwitz (1957, birthday), brother of Tammy Robbins

Christopher Lohmann (1997, passing), son of George & Cathy Lohmann

Anthony Tonns (2017, passing), son of Carol Tonns

Jessica Lewis (2002, passing), daughter of Melinda Lewis

Frederick Drey Meine (2013, passing), son of Denise Meine-Graham

Seth Fink (1994, passing), son of Arlene Orth



Karissa Volpe (1983, birthday), daughter of Karen Volpe

Jim Smith (2014, passing), son of Maureen Smith

Rebecca Goldstein (2016, passing), daughter of Rachel Goldstein-Florio

Jonathan Sarli (2010, passing), son of Karen Farli

Tatiana Galvez (2011, passing), daughter of Felicia & Felix Galvez



Mark Matonti (1987, birthday), son of Diane Matonti

Robert (Bobby) Gerard Pasqualone (2008, passing), son of Carolyn Mekeel

Ronald Eisenburg (2009, passing), brother of Linda Biderman

Victor Orlando Woolson (2012, passing), Teresa Woolsen

Jonathan Sarli (2010, passing), brother of Kristin Sarli

Leslie Protzel (2001, passing), daughter of Monica Protzel



Brian Bazuro (1981, birthday), son of Janet & Ralph Bazuro

Peter Gschweng (1964, birthday), husband of Sherly Gschweng

Joseph Goldman (2016, passing), brother of Gina Goldman



Eric Doll (1993, birthday), son of Lisa & Daniel Doll

Alexandria Barbel Roberts (2011, birthday), daughter of Andrea Roberts

Anthony Sirio (1991, birthday), son of Valerie Sirio

Debbie Neil (2018, passing), sister of Nikeeya Neil

Karly Meeks (2010, passing), daughter of Jennifer Stephens



Peter Kaliscik (1988, birthday), son of Carol & Peter Kaliscik

Matthew Mulherin (1993, birthday), son of Patricia Mulherin

Sue Coben (1960, birthday), daughter of Esther & Larry Wynn

Taylor Dane Skinner (2011, passing), son of Kim Counts

Steve Siegel (2006, passing), son of Marc & Marian Siegel, brother of Allison Siegel



Dane Ewald (1979, birthday), son of Jeffrey Ewald

Deborah Barnes (1961, birthday), daughter of Marcia & Frank Jedzrowski

Linda Kerman (2001, passing), sister of Lisa Kerman

Harley Bruce Jr. (“Dub”) (2008, passing), son of Harley Jesse & Codi Dornan

Michael DiMaria (2010, passing), son of Patti & Joseph DiMaria, brother of Jennifer DiMaria



Frank Berin (1960, birthday), son of Diane Berin

Stephanie Rivera (1991, birthday), sister of Brittney Rivera

Chevonne Mitchell (2014, passing), mother of ZiAsia Jarvis

William (Billy) Mark Laube (2009, passing), son of Beth & William Laube, brother of Christina Laube

Anthony Rodriguez (2017, passing), son of Luis & Jannette Rodriguez

Mallory Weisbrod (2015, passing), daughter of Jodi & Neal Weisbrod, sister of Sherri Rosenthal

Clarissa Gude (2011, passing), daughter of Clare Gude, sister of Chelsea, Cherice & Jonathan Gude




Davida Liebowitz (1958, birthday), sister of Jill Fleischer

Sharon Kahn (1977, birthday), daughter of Susan Kahn

Ilisa Lupo (2011, passing), sister of Marni Garen

Brendan DeSena (2012, passing), son of Jean & Joe DeSena

Felice Schoenbrun Ahrens (2003, passing), daughter of Roberta Schoenbrun



Maureen (1958, birthday), daughter of Anne Brack

Kenneth Ditzel (1966, birthday), son of Elaine Ditzel

Chevonne Mitchell (1979, birthday), mother of ZiAsia Jarvis

Susan Camanian (2014, passing), daughter of Rosalind Galinson

Nicole Novick (1997, passing), daughter of Carol & Gerry Acker



Giovanni Cipriano (1999, birthday), son of Georgina & John Cipriano

Genovieve Soumia (1978, birthday), daughter of Ann Rickmeyer

Jordan Schuman (1993, birthday), son of Peri & Peter Schacknow

Jonathan Morris (1964, birthday), brother of Jodi Vosilla

Dr. Julia Zelmanovich (1998, passing), daughter of Helena & Victor Zelmanovich



Christopher Stenger (1975, birthday), son of Carol & Michael Bolinder

Jordyn Mariah Pina (1993, birthday), daughter of Alisha Pendleton

Matthew Herring (1993, birthday), son of Patricia Herring



Bryan Herold (2011, passing), son of Mike Herold & Diane Parziale

Cory Vogel (2014, passing), son of Lisa & Jay Vogel

John (Johnny) Kessner (2013, passing), son of Cheryl Kessner, brother of Robert Kessner

Fritz Edward B. Ayunting (2011, passing), son of Julieth Ayunting

Ricky Britten (2018, passing), brother of Dana Britten-Stein

Tommy Santiago Jr aka TJ (2023, passing), beloved son of Amanda Ortiz



Dr. James Mathew Wiezorek (1981, birthday), son of Mary Beringer

Shaun P. Tolan (1982, birthday), brother of Sherry Carpenito

Michael Jarosz (1989, birthday), son of Angela & John Jarosz

Tara Palamar (1980, birthday), daughter of Pat & Jim Palamar

Shaun Singh (1969, birthday), son of Renoka Singh

Shaun P. Tolan (1982, birthday), son of John & Janis Tolan

Catherine Larocca (2006, passing), daughter of Carol Larocca

Scott Martella (2016, passing), son of Stacy Martella



Keith Peters (2009, passing), son of Sandra Peters

Garrett Bender (2018, passing), son of Steve & Desiree Bender

Timothy (2008, passing), son of Claire Maddox



Taylor Dane Skinner (1990, birthday), son of Kim Counts

David Lawrence (1988, birthday), son of Mary Desmond

Gabriel Henis (2017, passing), son of Cindy Brown

Adam Gaynes (2004, passing), son of Arlene & David Gaynes

Jeffrey Zukerman (1983, passing), son of Claire & Wally Leinheardt

Larissa Kaufman Guarrera (2009, passing), daughter of Dorothy Kaufman



Lauren Brittany Katz (1998, birthday), daughter of Michelle & Saul Katz

Joshua Link (2009, passing), son of Linda & Ronald Link, brother of Sara & Eric

Anna Lewenz (2016, passing), daughter of Elaine Manix and David Lewenz and Brother of Michael Lewenz



Brandon Carlisi (1995, birthday), brother of Sabrina Carlisi

Yoon-don (1970, birthday), father of Daniel Choe

Milo Ferrara (2015, birthday), son of Nicholas Ferrara

Catherine Larocca (1969, birthday), daughter of Carol Larocca

Addison Quinn Slansky (2010, birthday), daughter of Jeremy & Melissa Slansky

Earnest Montes Jr. (1975, birthday), son of Lucy & Earnie Montes

Matthew Mulherin (2017, passing), son of Patricia Mulherin

Robert (2014, passing), son of Theresa Treimanis

Jeremy Lee Graham (2001, passing), son of Jayne Graham

Caitlin Petrou (1999, passing), daughter of Bridgette Dooley

Stephen Clark (2014, passing), son of Rosemary & Joe Clark

Kenneth Andrew Kresch (2008, passing), son of Drs. Leonard & Mary Kresch

Louis DiGregorio (2003, passing), brother of Dana DiGregorio

Lori Dudutis (2012, passing), daughter of Maria & Joseph Dudutis

Matthew Herring (2017, passing), son of Patricia Herring



Jimmy Nappo (birthday), son of Marianne Nappo



Annaya Marie Edwards (2010, birthday & passing), daughter of Nneka Edwards

Kaila Harlan (1991, birthday), daughter of Anne & Steve Harlan

Christopher Lohmann (1980, birthday), son of George & Cathy Lohmann

Tyler Pine (1992, birthday), son of Kathy & Craig Pine

Eric Fabris (2008, passing), son of Barbara Fabris

Pat Posillico (2016, passing), son of Frances Posillico

Perry Spring (2018, passing), brother of Jayne Rosen



Gabriel Henis (1992, birthday), son of Cindy Brown

Jessica Marino (1988, birthday), daughter of Thomas Marino

Samantha Koulias (2017, passing), daughter of Peggy Koulias

Theresa Durso (2010, passing), daughter of Carolyn Durso

Julie Rosen (2005, passing), daughter of Terri & Neal Rosen

Ken Valentino (2023, passing) beloved brother of Debra Lombardo



Jeffrey Wagner (1976, birthday), son of Brian & Rosemary Wagner, brother of Tara McErlean

Christopher Procci (1972, birthday), brother of Kim Procci

Addison Quinn Slansky (2010, passing), daughter of Jeremy & Melissa Slansky

Kaila Harlan (2013, passing), daughter of Anne & Steve Harlan



Tom Boyle (1988, birthday), brother of Sara Boyle

Michael DeSolano (birthday), father of Kylie DeSolano

Tricia Neitzel (1970, birthday), daughter of Ralph & Pat Siniscalchi

Fedele Amling (2016, passing), son of Linda Leone

Jarrad William Mancuso (2010, passing), son of Sheree & John Mancuso



Matthew Johnson (2016, passing), brother of Kimberly Johnson

Thomas Michael Shavel (2010, passing), son of Janet Shavel, brother of Joe Shavel

Sheila Goldich (2017, passing), daughter of Carol Goldich

Christina Formato (2016, passing), daughter of Joe Formato, sister of Theresa Formato

John Paul Pedagna (2014, passing), son of Frances Pedagna



Jospeh Bobick (1982, birthday), son of Lorraine Bobick

Ryan Dickinson (2013, passing), son of Donna Liebenow

Billy Garfield (2011, passing), son of Roberta & Richie Garfield

Adam Gaynes (1992, birthday), son of Arlene & David Gaynes

Bailey Ginsberg (2002, passing), daughter of Phran & Bob Ginsberg

Jordan Medoff (2013, passing), son of Jeanette Graf & Bennett Medoff

Grace Munkert (2008, birthday), daughter of Melissa Munkert

Jennifer Sparacino (1996, birthday), daughter of Lisa Sparacino

Brett (2018, passing), son of Marlene & Evan Friedberg


Gina DiCanio (2015, passing), daughter of Jackie DiCanio

Tristan Turnier-Baez (2011, passing), son of James Baez, brother of Tatiana Turnier-Baez

Noah Sher (2003, passing), son of Denise Sher


Carmine Ambrosino (1984, birthday), son of Michael & Martha Guarini

Erica Halpern (1992, birthday), daughter of Jacque Halpern

Jubin Kochummen (2018, passing), brother of Julian Kochummen

Warren Kraft (1990, birthday), son of Warren Kraft

Kenneth Andrew Kresch (1965, birthday), son of Drs. Leonard & Mary Kresch

Michael Marino (1993, birthday), son of Elena Marino

Daniel “Danny” O’Brien (2014, passing), son of Pat & Edward O’Brien

Paul Purcaro (2012, passing), son of Josephine Purcaro

Mallory Weisbrod (1990, birthday), sister of Sherri Rosenthal

Steven Battline (2022, passing), brother of Jennifer & Samantha Battline


Jesse Barnett (1993, birthday), son of Nancy Rossetti

Debby Fink (1973, birthday), sister of Jessica Fink

Eileen Sullivan (2010, passing), daughter of Eileen Gilday, sister of Kathleen Harten


Daniel Braun (1986, birthday), son of Esther & Bill Braun

Jeffrey David Firack (1986, birthday), son of Debbie Firack

Corey Govier (2012, passing), son of Debbie Govier

Trevor Guttman (1951, birthday), son of Susan Guttman

Robin Smith (passing), daughter of Dolores Long

Michelle Nardone (1990, birthday), daughter of Nick Nardone

Tara Palamar (2010, passing), daughter of Pat & Jim Palamar

Melissa Sherr (1983, birthday), daughter of Rose & Mike Sherr

Daniel “Dan” Spellman (2014, passing), son of Jeff Spellman

Joshua Craig (1990, birthday), son of Martina Sternber

Kenneth Michael Warren (2007, passing), son of Karen Warren


Adam Bruckner (2006, passing), son of Paula Bruckner

Joseph Polchinski (2015, passing), son of Lena Polchinski


Rachel Anolik-Petrsoric (1969, birthday), daughter of Rose & David Anolik

Dominic Amodeo (2010, passing), son of Jayne & Howie Goldberg

Michael Marino (2017, passing), son of Elena Marino

William “Bill” Towey (1976, birthday), brother of Mary Monahan

Jessica Safran (1966, birthday), sister of Elizabeth Safran

Andrew J. Thielemann (2001, birthday), beloved son and brother of Jessica Pepin  


Marla Eisenberg (2016, passing), daughter of Laurel Eisenberg

Michael Santoli (1984, birthday), son of Maria Santoli

Kelly Burton (2013, passing), daughter of Cathy Burton

Louis Moretto (2017, passing), son of Allison Moretto

Keith Zerlin (1976, birthday), brother of Dana Zerlin

Bobby Menges (2017, passing), son of Liz Menges


Troy Gable (1987, birthday), son of Regina Gable

Andrew Goldman (2003, passing), son of Valerie & Gary Goldman

Brad Nussbaum (1974, birthday), son of Avrille & Ralph Nussbaum, brother of Martin Nussbaum

Matthew Ravner (2005, passing), son of Louise & Jody Ravner

Allyson  (1963, birthday), sister of Shari Slepian


Clarke Gilbert Russell (2005, passing), son of Stephanie Benbenek

Linda Bruckner (1993, birthday), daughter of Marla Bruckner

Jerry Hart (2011, passing), son of Helen Geslak

Clarissa Gude (1984, birthday), daughter of Clare Gude, sister of Chelsea, Cherice, & Jonathan Gude

Larry Marcus (1959, birthday), son of Sondra Wolfson, brother of Ken Marcus

Katie McLaughlin (2015, passing), daughter of Maggie McAuliffe, sister of Maureen Timlin

Rachael Montalbano (1985, birthday), daughter of Annette & Paul Montalbano

Finneaus Joseph Egan (2007, birthday), son of Emily Snyder

Steven Tassis (2015, passing), son of Lorraine Tassis


Lynn Epstein (1963, birthday), daughter of Felice Epstein

Daniel “Danny” O’Brien (1994, birthday), son of Pat & Edward O’Brien

Rebecca Rosenblatt (2016, passing), daughter of Jonah & Lisa Rosenblatt, sister of Navah Rosenblatt

Ryan Sims (1989, birthday), son of Michael & Melinda Sims

Scott Weingard (2001, passing), son of Bonnie Weingard

Michelle Fitch (1980, birthday), daughter of Barbara Cilla


Jack Perlungher (2010, passing), brother of Emma Perlungher

Jeffrey Goldsmith (2009, passing), son of Nancy & Terry Goldsmith, brother of Erica & Andrew Goldsmith,  related to  Lorraine Albert

Timothy Grennan (2010, passing), son of Karen Grennan

Tony Del Rio (2015, passing), son of Linda Marino


Thomas Falzone (1988, birthday), son of Karen Pickel

Tommy Calvano (2017, passing), brother of Jennifer Webb

Justin Calvano (2017, passing), brother of Kristen Calvano


Edward McGrane (2015, passing), son of Ann McGrane

Janna Altarac (2013, passing), daughter of Faith Altarac, sister of Jocelyn Verbeeck

Guy Cotrono (2006, passing), son of Charlene George

Brian Stabile (1995, birthday), son of Sharon Stabile

Sean Urda (1997, birthday), son of Nicole Urda, brother of Tyler Urda

Lynn Wolkenbrod (2010, passing), daughter of Sarah & Simon Wolkenbrod


Susan Capenelli (2014, passing), daughter of Michael & Rhoda Bender

Carrie Leibman (2011, passing), daughter of Mel & Sophie Krumholtz

Raizy Rosenblatt  (2015, passing), sister of Navah Rosenblatt


Terrence Ambro (2012, passing), son of Susan & Richard Ambro

Lauren Reed (2015, passing) sister of Denise Collins

Regina Denon Franco (1965, birthday), daughter of Mary Anne Denon

Andrew Levinson (1987, birthday), son of Richard & Wendy Levinson


Josh DeBare (2004, passing), son of Linda DeBare

Pamela Arquello (2016, passing), daughter of Doris Carrasquillo

Andrew Droskoski (1987, birthday), brother of James Droskoski

Tiara Durham (2014, passing), daughter of Tonya Durham

Brian Curci (2014, passing), son of Christina Franklin, brother of Lisa Franklin

Taylor Hirsch (1990, birthday), son of LaRue & Barry Hirsch

Andrew Levinson (2015, passing), son of Richard & Wendy Levinson

Chelsea Nicole Olsen (1987, birthday), daughter of Janet Olsen, sister of Sarah Rose Olsen

Patrick Voltaire (1986, birthday), son of Gertrude Voltaire

Mark Evan Brunjes (2019, passing), 24 year old son of Richard and Kerri Brunjes


Shane R. Simcox (2010, passing), brother of Sarah Dinan

Kenneth Michael Lacks (1995, passing), son of Gaill Lacks

Stephen Marano (1978, birthday), son of Vincent Marano

Michelle Scandali (1987, birthday), daughter of Louis Scandali

Michael O’Connell (1970, birthday), brother of Jennifer O’Connell


Todd Grayson (2002, passing), son of Florence & Jerry Grayson

Guido Guirado (1971, birthday), brother of Jaqueline Iglesias

Grace Munkert (2008, passing), daughter of Melissa Munkert

Charlie Porazzo (2012, passing), son of Susan Porazzo

Nicole Therese Russo (2011, passing), daughter of Janice Russo-Mescia, sister of Melanie Russo

Ryan Speller (2015, passing), son of Deborah Speller

Jeanette Parker (1969, birthday), mother of Shaiane Beckford, related to Carmen Jean

John Appey (2018, passing), son of Nancy Appey


Jacob Roth (2015, passing), son of Amanda & Mark Roth

Joseph Kenny (1982, birthday), son of Kevin & Jo Kenny

Andie Orlen (2010, passing), daughter of Joan Orlen

Ryan Wollman (1987, birthday), son of Todd Wollman


Justin Kolmer (1990, birthday), son of Lee Kolmer

Richard Barthel (1975, birthday), son of Paul & Judith Montelione

Christopher Morales (2011, passing), son of Elizabeth Morales

Scott Sides (2018, passing), son of Kathy Tessitore


Reza Abedi (1975, birthday), son of Parvaneh Abedi, brother of Layla Abedi

Marco Caban (2014, passing), father of Jessica Caban

Jeff Galluzzo (2013, passing), son of Fran Galluzzo

Justin Weintraub (1988, birthday), son of Bonnie Weintraub

David (1994, birthday), son of Lisa Sattanino

Christopher Brown (2018, passing), son of Nancy Brown

Jaxson (2015, passing), daughter of Jessie Mullarkey


Morgan Crofton (2010, passing), sister of Megan Crofton

Ilisa Lupo (1968, birthday), sister of Marni Garen

Sean Lapersonerie (1987, birthday), son of Marie Lapersonerie

Cara Satallante (2011, passing), daughter of Frank & Raquel Satallante

Scott Weingard (1971, birthday), son of Bonnie Weingard

Steven N. Wolkoff (1977, birthday), son of Sandy Wolkoff

Dylan Woods (2002, birthday), son of Dina Woods


Jaryd Bartlette (2010, passing), son of Toni Bartlette

Christopher Stenger (2011, passing), son of Carol & Michael Bolinder

Ryan Anthony Boll (2010, passing), son of Rose & Randy Boll

Alex Colligan (2016, passing), son of Cathy Colligan

Brendan DeSena (1990, birthday), son of Jean & Joe DeSena

Michael Trichter Grauer (1967, birthday), son of Teddi Grauer

Christian Everett Jenkins (2018, passing), son of Sonya Senra


Kimberly Mlynarczyk (1988, birthday), daughter of Susan La Maina

Kathy Holvknecht (2013, passing), daughter of Anne Holvknecht

Lee Hirsch (1984, birthday), son of Guistina Schiano


Christian Darling (1997, birthday), son of Donna Darling

Desiree Frantino (2014, passing), daughter of Viola & Paul Frantino

Andrea Levine (1965, birthday), daughter of Phyllis & Mel Levine

Stephen Richter (2002, passing), son of Marlene Richter

Lisa (2012, passing), sister of Gary Bornstein

Suzy (2009, passing), sister of Michele Fontrier


Samantha Blacharski (1990, birthday), daughter of Nancy Blacharski

Jay Schneider (1993, birthday), son of Bonnie Bowes

Rhonda “Reeva” Levine (1976, birthday), daughter of Carole Levine

Robbie Levine (2005, passing), son of Craig & Jill Levine

Scott Martella (1986, birthday), son of Stacy Martella

Carey Jay Nachtigall (birthday), son of Gloria Nachtigall


Ryan Bailey (1991, birthday), son of Bill & Susan Bailey

Pamela Arquello (1996, birthday), daughter of Doris Carrasquillo

Stefanie Silverman (1996, passing), daughter of Rita & Barry Silverman


Krista Cotuleo (1985, birthday), sister of Vicky Cotuleo

Jeremy Ferrara (1983, birthday), son of Karen & Robert Ferrara

Steven Goldberg (2004, passing), son of Carol Goldberg

Nicholas Demaio (2012, passing), son of Angela Hansen


Lawrence “Larry” Nightingale (1969, birthday), son of Paula Nightingale

Elisa Rachel Pomeranz (1980, birthday), daughter of Dale & Peter Pomeranz

Mallory Weisbrod (1990, birthday), daughter of Jodi & Neil Weisbrod



Cara Danika Tobias (2009, birthday), daughter of Nancy & Eric Tobias

Nava Mitnick (1943, birthday), sister of Nili Finger

Morris Lindenbaum (2005, passing), son of Sylvia Lindenbaum

Sanford “Sandy” Drexler (2013, passing), son of Shelly Drexler

Gary Lichtenstein (2003, passing), son of Dora & Mario Lichtenstein, brother of Eric & Adam Lichtenstein

Cody Taddonio (1996, birthday), son of Susan Taddonio


Kiana Ianotti (2009, passing), daughter of Diane DiBlasi

Michael Santoli (2013, passing), son of Maria Santoli

Saagar Kundnani (1990, birthday), son of Ruchi Kundnani


Philip Eliot (1964, birthday), son of Gloria & Paul Eliot

Emily Goldner (1982, birthday), daughter of Mary Goldner

Leeor Perl (2000, birthday), daughter of Aliza Perl

Theresa Durso (1988, birthday), daughter of Carolyn Durso

Timmy Carr (2002, passing), son of Jackie Carr

Anthony Biuso (1982, birthday), son of Barbara Biuso, brother of Nicole Biuso

Tamar Swerdlik (1988, birthday), daughter of Hadassah Swerdlik

Jonathan (2016, passing), brother of Angela Yu


Shane Verity (2012, passing), son of Pat Verity

Zachary Kudisch (1988, birthday), son of Alan & Carla Kudisch, Howard & Diane Lipman

Michael Alan Searles Pistorino (1998, birthday), son of Meg Pistorino


Matthew Feit (1996, birthday), son of Jeffrey Feit

Rebecca Quatinetz (1981, birthday), sister of Lara Quatinetz

Kenny Beers (2011, passing), brother of Amy Resnik

Denny Walsh (1966, birthday), son of Katherine Walsh


Sean Cody (2015, passing), son of Kathleen Cody

Dhaivat Sharma (2011, passing), son of Sabina

Allison Liao (2013, passing), daughter of Hsi-Pi Liao

Peter Scott Bullwinkel Jr (1981, Birthday), son of Donna Bullwinkel

Andhra Pradesh (2008, passing), son of Lakshmi Prasanna


Audrey Garcia (1977, birthday), daughter of Barbara McGowan

Hedy Jacobowitz (1964, birthday), daughter of Betty Jacobowitz

John “Johnny” Kessner (1989, birthday), brother of Robert Kessner

Omahni Jayden Omogbemi (2010, passing), son of Christmas Morgan

Jeffrey Spiegel (2006, passing), son of Elaine Winston

Thomas Reynolds (2011, passing), son of Lisa Reynolds


Michael Schwartz (2009, passing), son of Lotte Schwartz

Dane Ewald (2011, passing), son of Jeffrey Ewald

Sammy Cohen Eckstein (2013, passing), son of Amy & Gary Eckstein


Samantha Schwartz (1980, birthday), daughter of Sheila M. Schwartz

Jay Levitt (2012, passing), son of Barbara Levitt

Bryan Gorycki (2015, passing), son of Carol Parmelee

Kimberly Mlynarczyk (2009, passing), daughter of Susan La Maina

Michael Mattera (1996, passing), son of Sal Mattera

Derek Lepine (2022, passing), son of Beverly & Yvon Lepine


Jeffrey Zukerman (1963, birthday), son of Claire & Wally Leinheardt

Devan Desnoyers (2016, passing), son of Christine Porter

Brian Kaminsky (2014, passing), son of Shelly & Stu Kaminsky

Nathan Nate Nater (2011, passing), son of Vera Webber

Justin Raja (2014, passing), brother of Dana Raja

Eileen Sullivan (1959, birthday), daughter of Eileen Gilday, sister of Kathleen Harten

Ariana (2006, passing), sister of Shannon Rogers


Andrew Hertzka (1990, birthday), son of Susan & Robert Hertzka

Sean Russo (1970, birthday), son of Genie Salitra-Belkin, brother of Shannon Russo-Pollack

Christina Louise Salazar (2012, passing), sister of Andrew Rayis

Kierin Garvey (2011, passing), son of William & Theresa Garvey, brother of Shannon Garvey

Sean Russo (1970, birthday), son of Genie Selitra Belkin, brother of Shannon Russo-Pollack

David Moore (1968, birthday), Eva Moore Ruiz, wife, Daniel E. Moore, son


Andrew Mineo (1987, birthday), son of Jo & Vinnie Mineo

Josephine Zabas (2018, passing) daughter of Anthony & Francis Crisanti


Adam Sanders (2014, passing), son of Laurie Sanders, brother of Brian Sanders

Shannon Fearon (2015, passing), sister of Catherine Krupp & Christine Himpler

Dino Lezaja (2018, passing), son of the Lezajas


Shauni Ashley Frank (1991, birthday), daughter of Christine Sparkman

Jordan Medoff (1989, birthday), son of Jeanette Graf & Bennett Medoff

Ryan Groh (2014, passing), son of Lisa Groh

Julian Pietras (2010, passing), son of Eva & Darek Pietras

Alisha Moore (1989, birthday), daughter of Janette Moore


Jacob Roth (2009, birthday), son of Amanda & Mark Roth

Vicki Marczak (2011, passing), daughter of Judith & Ed Marczak

Preston Walsh (2010, passing), son of Genevieve Walsh

Ryan Hannigan (2014, passing), son of Anita & John Hannigan

Holly Cullen (birthday), sister of Amy Cullen

Linda Stasio (2011, passing)


Carey Jay Nachtigall (2008, passing), son of Gloria Nachtigall

Robert Polacco (birthday), son of Loretta Polacco


Lisa (1969, birthday), sister of Gary Bornstein

Anthony Krayewski (2008, passing), son of Danielle & Steven Krayewski


Joey Boncic (1997, birthday), brother of Katarina Boncic

Jonathan Sarli (1981, birthday), son of Karen Sarli, brother of Kristin Sarli

Marianne Posalie (2011, passing), daughter of Ann Posalie

Giovanni Cipriano (2013, passing), son of Georgina & John Cipriano

Amanda (1978, birthday), Linda Wells


Sophia Balsalos (2017, passing), daughter of Tina Balsalos

Denny Walsh (2006, passing), son of Katherine Walsh

Sophia Valsalos (2017, passing), daughter of Tina Valsalo

Matthew Pierre (2020, passing), son of Edwin & Jeri Pierre and brother of Nyla Pierre


Jesse Greene (1981, birthday), son of Rose Mary & William Martino & Greene, brother of Sydney Greene

Josh DeBare (1983, birthday), son of Linda DeBare

Say Chiang (2017, passing), sister of Jeannie Chiang

Mike Yedid (2010, passing), son of Elyse & Robert Yedid, brother of David & Alan Yedid

Joseph Bobick (2011, passing), son of Lorraine Bobick

Jimmy McKasty (2009, passing), son of Irene McKasty, brother of Doreen McKasty


Michael Mattera (1979, birthday), son of Sal Mattera

Hemant Mehta (2006, passing), father of Priyanka Mehta

Donna Lynne Walczuk (1966, birthday), daughter of Laura Walczuk

Daniel Constantino (2018, passing), son of Laurie and Michael Constantino


Brian Harley Assa (1991, birthday), son of Jerry & Sandy Assa, brother of Vanessa Assa

Stacey Mickus (1982, birthday), daughter of Debbie & Bill Carberry, sister of Samantha Nanni

Justin Weisleder (2009, passing), son of Isa Weisleder

Kristin M. Lucia (1987, birthday), daughter of Isis Lucia Hart


Justin Carroll (1991, birthday), son of Jean Carroll

Cindy Behrmann-Veeder (1971, birthday), daughter of Sheila Behrmann

Jack Perlungher (2002, birthday), brother of Emma Perlungher

Michael Alan Searles Pistorino (2020, passing), son of Meg Pistorino 


Fritz Edward B. Ayunting (1992, birthday), son of Julieth Ayunting

Noah Sher (1978, birthday), son of Denise Sher

Billy Garceau (1990, birthday), son of Debbie & Larry Garceau, brother of Christina Garceau

Russell (1971, birthday), son of Michelle Weinstein


Lawrence “Jr.” Insinga (1992, birthday), son of Michelle Insinga

Alan Millman (1952, birthday), son of Stecia Millman

Jared Kalensky (2012, passing), brother of Jana Diamond

Anthony Massaia (2016, passing), son of Suzanne & Phillip Massaia

Dominick Triolo (1985, birthday), son of Maria Triolo

Jimmy (1987, birthday), son of Linda Piedmont

Ariana (1991, birthday), sister of Shannon Rogers


Stephanie Nogid (1996, birthday), daughter of Tina Berardi

Christine DeSantis (1966, birthday), daughter of Irene DeSantis

Naomi Popper (1979, birthday), daughter of Alex & Ronnie Popper

Edward McGrane (1965, birthday), son of Ann McGrane

Donna Lynne Walczuk (2016, passing), daughter of Laura Walczuk


Michael Salerno (1989, birthday), son of Patricia Salerno

Victoria Lamorta-Baumann (1966, birthday), daughter of Jean Germano

Sarah Fuentes (2014, passing), daughter of Lucy Fuentes

Christopher A. Basmas (2011, passing), brother of Cynthia Russo

Jeff Reczkowski (2013, passing), brother of Rita O’Neill

Michael Charles Castellano (2012, passing), son of Nannette Loweree


Jessica (1977, birthday), daughter of John Cleere

Anthony Valente (1978, birthday), son of Lynda Valente

Andrew James Cherpak III (1981, birthday), son of Lee Ann Cherpak, brother of Christine Cherpak

Neal Markowitz (2017, passing), brother of Paula Ferstandig

David Lawrence (2013, passing), son of Mary Desmond

Saagar Kundnani (2017, passing), son of Ruchi Kundnani

Michael Castellano (2012, passing), son of Nanette Loweree

Michael Wolkis (1993, birthday), son of Amy & Jerry Wolkis

Derek Lepine (1981, birthday), son of Beverly & Yvon Lepine

Jeanann Giordano Gilligan (2021, passing), daughter of Felicia Giordano


Michael “Mikey” Ricatto (1981, birthday), son of Laura Failla, brother of John Ricatto

Marla Eisenberg (1988, birthday), daughter of Laurel Eisenberg

Michael Bigay (2014, passing), brother of Jeffrey Bigay

Michael Lassig (1992, birthday), son of Lisa Lassig, brother of Chelsea Lassig


Justin Disharoon (1987, birthday), son of Heather Bilton

Michael Bigay (1976, birthday), brother of Jeffrey Bigay

Louis Sena (2017, passing), son of Millie Sena

Joshua Weiner (2017, passing), brother of Rachel Weiner

Zachary Kudisch (2008, passing), son of Alan & Carla Kudisch

Kristin M. Lucia (2013, passing), daughter of Isis Lucia Hart

Batya Tobin (1996, passing), sister of Nadine Tobin

Jadaya Young (2018, passing), daughter of Julie Young

Gilbert (2018, passing), daughter of the Bettancourts


Louis Manzella (1986, birthday), son of Nancy Manzella

Adam Wolf (2013, passing), son of Naomi Wolf

Wayne Walther (2013, passing), son of Jennifer & Jesse Walther

Katalin Leigh Cousar (Passing), daughter of Al Cousar



Justin Carlo (1994, birthday), son of Al Carlo

Brayden Anthony Carr (2010, passing), son of Alexandra Carr

Phillip Clemens (1992, birthday), son of Frieda & Phillip Clemens

Joshua Levine (2010, passing), son of Myron Levine

Taylor Matthews (1991, birthday), daughter of Sue Matthews, sister of Ryan Matthews

Kelly Dinonno (2008, passing), daughter of Sally Ryan

Jessica Safran (2017, passing), sister of Elizabeth Safran

Michelle Scandali (2013, passing), daughter of Louis Scandali

Dylan Woods (2002, passing), son of Dina Woods


Angelo Collazo (2017, passing), son of Angie Collazo

Jeffrey Ryan Buchignani (2013, passing), son of Jill Buchignani-Calwhite

Casey Andrew Lohne (2000, birthday), Beth and Craig Lohne parents and Aidan Lohne brother 


Mark Yudin (2008, passing), son of Brenda Yudin

Brandon Peykar (2013, passing), brother of Jennifer Kamin Peykar

Justin Hipp (2022, passing), son of Bonni Hipp and beloved brother of Dillon


George Crowley (1980, birthday), brother of Thomas Crowley

Ava Hecht (1991, birthday), daughter of Karen Gang

Jonathan Glasgal (1976, birthday), son of Judith Long, brother of David Glasgal

Jonathan Staudigel (1996, birthday), son of Sharon Gunther

Erica Halpern (2011, passing), daughter of Jacque Halpern

Michael Madigan (1978, birthday), son of Marisa Madigan

Craig Mangino (2010, passing), son of Carol & Mike Mangino

Jonathan Roth (2016, passing), son of Alexis & Ely Roth, brother of Rachel Roth

Ken Valentino (1968, birthday) beloved brother of Debra Lombardo


Sean Cody (1987, birthday), son of Kathleen Cody

Jason Coriaty (2016, passing), father of Matthew Coriaty

Brian Curci (1977, birthday), son of Christina Franklin, brother of Lisa Franklin

Michael Wolkis (2008, passing), son of Amy & Jerry Wolkis


Diana Laraine Gordon (1961, birthday), sister of Laraine Gordon

Alexandra Barbel Roberts (2011, passing), daughter of Andrea Roberts

Jay Jimenez (2007, passing), son of Liz Barbera

David J. Lesser (2018, passing), sister of Debra R. Lesser, son of Dorit Lesser


Douglas Caracappa (2014, passing), brother of Denise Caracappa

Clarissa Amanda Mackmayers (1992, birthday), daughter of Caroll Mackmayers

Patric Martin (1995, birthday), son of Niamh Martin

Scott Pollock (1989, birthday), son of Mady & Scott Pollock

Christopher Colella (2015, passing), son of Stephanie & Frank Colella


Daniel MacDougall (1991, birthday), son of Nancy MacDougall

Ori Rom (1983, birthday) son of Henry & Dalia Rom

Julie Rosen (1972, birthday), daughter of Terri & Neal Rosen

Rick Prince (1966, birthday), brother of Tracey Sherman

Ramell McRae (2007, birthday), son of Shawanda Eskarge


Billy Garceau (2012, passing), son of Debbie & Larry Garceau, brother of Christina Garceau

Steven Grauer (1964, birthday), son of Susan Grauer

Taranjit Parmar (2017, passing), daughter of Kulvinder T. Kaur

Nayyira Tahaba Amatul-Majid (2012, passing), daughter of Kalia Loper


Regina Denon Franco (2013, passing), daughter of Mary Anne Denon

Ori Rom (2015, passing), son of Henry & Dalia Rom

Brenton Kristoffer Smith (2015, passing), son of Stacie Snider


Ryan Anthony Boll (1986, birthday), son of Rose & Randy Boll

Michael DeSolano (2014, passing), father of Kylie DeSolano


Brittany Brophy (1989, birthday), daughter of Edward Brophy

Nicholas Ferrante (2012, passing), son of Jayne & Enrico Ferrante

Mary Quinn (1998, birthday), daughter of Kathleen & Thomas Quinn

Zachary Weltz (2001, birthday), son of Kerri Weltz


Valerie Bedziner (1960, birthday), daughter of Lisa Bedziner

Dr. Gabriel Goodwin (1981, birthday), son of Carol Goodwin

Fran Sharp Auslander (2009, passing), daughter of Robert & Arlene Sharp, sister of Ari & Elissa & Shaun Sharp.


Rishi Prasad (2010, passing), son of Diana Allie

Sonia Dubey (1994, birthday), daughter of G & Mariam Dubey

Taranjit Parmar (1998, birthday), daughter of Kulvinder T. Kaur

Christopher F. Elshamy (2007, passing), son of Haydee Santiago


Eric Doll (2012, passing), son of Lisa & Daniel Doll

Michael Ferrato (2008, passing), son of Mary Ferrato

Evan Lerner (1972, birthday), son of Lois Lerner, brother of Courtney Jacobs

Markus Kotnik (2001, birthday), son of Christine & Frank Kotnik

Michael Charles Castellano (1983, birthday), son of Nannette Loweree

Cairo Brown (2015, birthday), son of Shanet Outing-Brown


Jay Schneider (2014, passing), son of Bonnie Bowes

Taylor Cavaliere (1994, birthday), daughter of Dale & Ray Cavaliere, sister of Andrea, Ray, & Jillian Cavaliere

Saida Anselma Ann Mendoza (2006, passing), daughter of April Mendoza

Myrna Quesada (2012, passing), sister of Mario Quesada

David Silverstein (2010, passing), brother of Bari & Adele Silverstein

Sarita Robinson (1972, birthday), daughter of Eticia & Ron Sosnick


Bryan Coyle (1983, birthday), son of Gail Coyle

Zachary Fazekas (1998, birthday), son of Sara Fazekas

Michael Grosvak (2011, passing), son of Donald & Kim Grosvak

Andie Orlen (1970, birthday), daughter of Joan Orlen

Eric Schalet (2014, passing), son of Sandra Protass

Rick Prince (2004, passing), brother of Tracey Sherman


James Totans (1982, birthday), son of Priscilla Apicella

Rachael Montalbano (2015, passing), daughter of Annette & Paul Montalbano

Peter K. Rurhy (1987, birthday), son of Angie Rurhy

Maureen Heaton (1976, birthday), sister of Katharine Heaton


Evan Artz (1986, birthday), son of Beverly & Bill Artz

Douglas Bird (2017, passing), husband of Jamie Bird

Elissa Rita Bradley (1975, birthday), daughter of Dolores Bradley

James Gentry (2017, passing), son of Theresa Gentry

James Hall (2017, passing), son of Mary Jo Hall

Robert Julien (1944, birthday), husband of Lilly Julien, father of Michelle, Spencer & Greer Julien

TJ Kelly (1980, birthday), son of Janice & Tom Kelly

Maeve Grace Maguire (2011, birthday), relative of Jennifer Maguire

Gina Memoli (1980, birthday), daughter of Barbara & Mike Memoli

Cheryl Turoff (2009, passing), daughter of Sylvia Rassell

Matthew Stanski (1989, birthday), son of Millie Stanski

Jennifer Tummineri (2011, passing), daughter of Annette Tummineri

Justin Weintraub (2013, passing), son of Bonnie Weintraub

Dhaivat Sharma (1988, birthday), son of Sabina

Christopher L. Cedeño (2020, passing), beloved husband of Nancy Cedeño, father of Matthias Cedeño, son of Leandro & Julia Cedeño and brother of Shirley Pareja and Ines Evans


Maurice Cauthen (2016, passing), father of Matthew Cauthen

Nicholas J. Churillo Jr. (1970, birthday), son of Anita Churillo

Jeffrey Feldman (2008, passing), son of Michael & Harriet Feldman, brother of Jennifer Feldman

Lauren Conde (2017, passing), daughter of Maria & Rich Fietz

Jake Sporn (2012, passing), son of Russell Sporn

Karina (1991, birthday), daughter of Eileen Haas-Linde

David J. Lesser (1956, birthday), brother of Debra R. Lesser, son of Dorit Lesser


Bobby Celentano (1978, birthday), brother of Alyssa Celentano

Joseph Philip Hoehn (2003, birthday), son of Philip Hoehn

Delbert White (1997, passing), son of Howard & Annie White


Alycia Cimino (1987, birthday), daughter of Michael Cimino & Melanie D’Angelo

Brian Harris (2006, passing), son of Aaron Harris

Katie McLaughlin (1976, birthday), daughter of Maggie McAuliffe, sister of Maureen Timlin

Jodie Niehoff (1988, birthday), daughter of Ruth Rubin

Lee Hirsch (2015, passing), son of Guistina Schiano

Adam Michael Zdunczyk (1981, birthday), son of Kathy Zdunczyk

Dr. Julia Zelmanovich (1971, birthday), daughter of Helena & Victor Zelmanovich

Amir (2014, passing), brother of Ayelet Prizant


Susan Capanelli (1968, birthday), daughter of Michael & Rhoda Bender

Joseph Nickel (1968, birthday), brother of Donna Chaloupka

Russell Ciolli (2011, passing), son of Gloria & Bruce Ciolli

Brittany LaGrega (1988, birthday), daughter of Dyane LaGrega

Scott Magid (2014, passing), son of Helaine & Monte Magid

Alex Serpico (1984, birthday), son of Jane Serpico

Dayana Lizeth Angulo (1997, birthday), daughter of Maritza Vargas & Brian Giordano

Jesse Weinstein (1988, birthday), daughter of Marci & David Weinstein

 Nicholas (2012, passing), son of Nicole Dinoto


Anthony Biuso (2013, passing), son of Barbara Biuso, brother of Nicole Biuso

Michael Ditchik (2015, passing), son of Florence & Bernie Ditchik

Bailey Ginsberg (1986, birthday), daughter of Phran & Bob Ginsberg

Alisha Moore (2013, passing), daughter of Janette Moore

Marc Prussein (2015, passing), son of Linda Prussein

Eric Rattinger (2014, passing), son of Anne Rattinger

Alex Serpico (2012, passing), son of Jane Serpico

Eric Preto (2018, passing), son of Denise & Vincent Preto


Thomas Bidell (1991, birthday), son of Maryanne Bidell

Eloy Conrad Duran III (1984, birthday), son of Conrad Duran

TerriAnn Clarke (2016, passing), daughter of Terry Hoffman

Christopher J. Eisele (2009, passing), son of John & Kathy Montoya

Pamela Ramoutar (1988, birthday), sister of Christina Ramoutar

Felice Schoenbrun Ahrens (1960, birthday), daughter of Roberta Schoenbrun

Corrine Hutchinson (1980, birthday), sister of Maris Hutchinson

Daniel Constantino (1997, birthday), son of Laurie & Michael Constantino


Steven Belviso (2016, passing), son of Donna Belviso

Matthew Kuzmiak (2003, birthday), son of Debbie Kuzmiak

Clarissa Amanda Mackmayers (1999, passing), daughter of Caroll Mackmayers

Danielle Peress (2017, passing), daughter of Julie Peress


Christina Angelo (1989, birthday), daughter of Aileen & Joseph Angelo

Tara Celli (1984, birthday), daughter of Geraldine Celli

Nicholas Dempsey (2011, passing), son of Jennifer Dempsey

Cherilyn Duca (1990, birthday), daughter of Emily & Dennis Duca

Jordan Anthony (1987, birthday), son of Anna Margareta-Ruoccomonares


Ty Desmarais (2008, passing), son of Kristen Desmarais

Louis DiGregorio (1986, birthday), brother of Dana DiGregorio

Vincent Mascoli (1981, birthday), son of Vincent and Melissa Mascoli. Brother of Amie, Emilie, and Matthew. 


Stephanie Nathanson (2011, passing), daughter of Donna Koslosky, sister of Robert Nathanson

Vanessa Algios (2017, passing), daughter of Maureen T. Morrow

Andrew (1998, passing), son of John Benn


Joseph Oliva (2010, passing), son of Theresa Oliva

Chase Tailer Willis (2011, passing), son of Albiona Willis



Steven Montes (1977, birthday), son of Lucy & Earnie Montes

Michael Kwartler (1988, birthday), son of Jeff Kwartler, brother of Jessica Kwartler

Michael Fodera (2016, passing), son of Marie Fodera brother of Daniel and Joseph Fodera

Jeanine Pucci (2015, passing), daughter of Bernadette Marino

Christine Manuel (2016, passing), mother of Jessica Manuel

Linda Biondo (2011, passing), daughter of Phyllis Biondo

Scott Mazzio (2009, passing), son of Dawn Occhiogrosso

Justin Goya (2018, passing), brother of Genevieve Havemeyer


Aaron Robinson (1993, birthday), son of Rachel Robinson

Michael Bradley (1966, birthday), son of Kathleen Dwyer

Courtney O’Bryan (2011, passing), daughter of Diane & Bill O’Bryan

Larry (2017, passing), son of Leona Lubitz

Jamie Burch (2012, passing), daughter of Joanne Burch

Chika Okoronkwo (2015, passing), mother of Marizu Okoronkwo

Holly Gallo (2004, birthday), daughter of Denise & Daniel Gallo

Tim Venhaus (1984, birthday), brother of Charlie Venhaus


Bobby Beauregard (1989, birthday), brother of Shannon Beauregard

Aaron Gardner (1985, birthday), son of Sarah Gardner

Justin Raja (1980, birthday), brother of Dana Raja

Marc Prussein (1982, birthday), son of Linda Prussein

Holli Haymes (2008, passing), sister of Ellen Heller

Joseph “Joe Bear” Adams (2016, birthday), son of Sheri Adams

Kyle Thomas Campbell (2015, passing), son of Wayne and Jean Campbell of California.


Peter Cannon (2014, passing), brother of Roman & Frank Cannon

Mitchell Lippman (2014, passing), son of Mona Zenke

Aram Chowdhury (1994, passing), son of Ellen & Faizur Chowdhury

Raven Colon (1980, birthday), sister of Melissa Eberlein


Sharon Gallucci (1978, birthday), daughter of Patti & Dave Greenberg, sister of Ben & Cheryl Greenberg, Robbie & Melanie Gallucci, Marne & Alexander Smyles

Michael John Pina Jr. (2011, passing), son of Alisha Pendleton

Carmine Ambrosino (2013, passing), son of Martha & Michael Guarini

Justin Goya (1980, birthday), brother of Genevieve Havemeyer

Jannah Sadeek (2018, birthday & passing), daughter of Shameen & Debi Sadeek


David Berg (1976, birthday), son of Judy & Richard Berg, brother of Erica Gavin

Michelle Alessi (1983, passing), daughter of Alla Bas

Keith O’Malley (1977, birthday), son of Barbara O’Malley

Linda Stasio (1968, birthday), daughter of Linda Stasio

Phillip Barlow (2012, passing), son of Lydia Barlow

Chava Swerdlik (2014, passing), daughter of Hadassah Swerdlik

Kevin Lee (1999, passing), son of Suenette Lee

Ashton Wayne Yates (2010, passing), son of Kimberlee Yates


Michelle Julien (1971, birthday), daughter of Lilly Julien, sister of Spencer & Dana Julien, Greer & Billy Slovin

Owen Sheridan (2002, passing), son of Jim Sheridan

Ross Michaels (passing), son of Catherine & John Michaels

Justin Kolmer (2014, passing), son of Lee Kolmer

Alexandra Dimenstein (2010, passing), daughter of Lisa & Gary Dimenstein


Matt Sciacchitano (1990, birthday), son of Ron & Elizabeth Sciacchitano

Anthony Latorre (1988, birthday), son of Vito & Gina Latorre

Desiree Frantino (1994, birthday), daughter of Viola & Paul Frantino

Sammy Cohen Eckstein (2000, birthday), son of Amy & Gary Eckstein

Quenten Tromaine Favors (1995, passing), son of Maxine McKenzie-Materowski

Cody Taddonio (2013, passing), son of Susan Taddonio

Evan Lerner (2012, passing), son of Lois Lerner, brother of Courtney Jacobs

Brittany LaGrega (2010, passing), daughter of Dyane LaGrega


Christopher Morales (1986, birthday), son of Elizabeth Morales

Tim Venhaus (2018, passing), brother of Charlie Venhaus


Christine Manuel (1964, birthday), mother of Jessica Manuel

David Cooperman (1995, passing), son of Donna Cooperman, brother of Jason & Lindsay Kaufman

Michael Trichter Grauer (2007, passing), son of Teddi Grauer

Holly Gallo (2015, passing), daughter of Denise & Daniel Gallo

Liz Closter (1999, passing), daughter of Marion & Bob Closter

Craig Lewis (2015, passing), father of Courtnie Lewis


Kaite Gallagher (2015, passing), daughter of Nancy Gallagher

Tracey Young (2011, passing), sister of April Young

Christopher Simpson (2005, passing), son of Kenny & Kathy Prisco

Ryan Sims (2012, passing), son of Michael & Melinda Sims

Peter K. Rurhy (2010, passing), son of Angie Rurhy


Stephanie Nathanson (1986, birthday), daughter of Donna Koslosky, sister of Robert Nathanson

Robert Reilly (2015, passing), brother of Meagan Reilly

Samantha Lazazzaro (2015, passing), daughter of Maria Lazazzaro


Brian O’Connor (1968, birthday), father of Stephanie & Nicole O’Connor

Martin Belonsky (1959, birthday), son of Medline Belonsky

Nicole Therese Russo (1975, birthday), daughter of Janice Russo-Mescia, sister of Melanie Russo

Milo Ferrara (2015, passing), son of Nicholas Ferrara

Jesse Barnett (2013, passing), son of Nancy Rossetti

Andrea Levine (1987, passing), daughter of Phyllis & Mel Levine

Scott Pollock (2005, passing), son of Mady & Scott Pollock

Shannon (2008, passing), brother of Cynthia McNamara


Isabel Alessi (1980, birthday), daughter of Alla Bas

Michelle Alessi (1980, birthday), daughter of Alla Bas

Daniel Carroll (2008, passing), son of Kim Carroll

Michael Lombardo (2011, passing), son of Fran Jennings


Lance Hirsch (1970, birthday), son of Diane Hirsch

Jeffrey Vanchiro (2014, passing), son of Sylvester Vanchiro


Dave Greenberg (2016, passing), father of Ben & Cheryl Greenberg, Ron & Melanie Gallucci, & Marne & Alexander Smyles

Liam Barry (2012, passing), son of Matthew & Andra Barry

Jimmy (2013, passing), son of Linda Piedmont

Peter Scott Bullwinkel Jr (2018, passing), son of Donna Bullwinkel

Russell (2017, passing) son of Michelle  Weinstein


Phillip Starr (1962, birthday), son of Shelly & Michael Starr

Laura Elizabeth Giampino (1986, birthday), daughter of Caryn Pesce

Ricky Britten (1955, birthday), brother of Dana Britten-Stein

Tristan Turnier-Baez (1995, birthday), son of James Baez, brother of Tatiana Turnier-Baez

Charlie Porazzo (1990, birthday), son of Susan Porazzo

Jaclyn Weil (2016, passing), daughter of Korinne Weil

Sue Coben (2011, passing), daughter of Esther & Larry Wynn

Tom Boyle (2017, passing), brother of Sara Boyle

James Stasi (2018, passing) brother of Jeanette Murphy, son of Peter & Marilyn Stasi


Paul Peter Regan (1993, birthday), son of Maryanne Campbell

Michael Lassig (2010, passing), son of Lisa Lassig, brother of Chelsea Lassig

Sarita Robinson (2013, passing), daughter of Eticia & Ron Sosnick

Brad Rauber (2013, passing), son of Stephanie Rauber

Matthew “Logan” Perry (2014, passing), son of Michelle Banks

Amanda (2003, passing), daughter of Linda Wells


Brayden Michael Smith (2010, birthday) related to Tina Haynes


Thomas Sutton (1969, birthday), son of Betty & Nick Conides

Josephine Avolio Kovacs (1961, birthday), sister of Cathy Avolio

Kerri Marie Jackowski (2013, passing), daughter of June & Keith Jackowski

Paul Knopf (2002, passing), son of Norma & Michael Knopf

David Bleichfeld (2008, passing), son of Harriet Bleichfeld

Michael Gonzalez (2013, passing), son of Alberto Gonzalez

Peter Gschweng (2017, passing), husband of Sherly Gschweng

Dominick Triolo (2017, passing), son of Maria Triolo

Anthony Paige (2015, passing), son of Melissa Paige


Douglas Caracappa (1956, birthday), brother of Denise Caracappa

Pamela Posen (1988, passing), daughter of Bonnie & Marty Gregge

Jean Stout (2006, passing), daughter of Ellen Stout

Douglas Webster (2006, passing), son of Margery Webster

Ashlee Rae Wolk (2012, passing), sister of Daniella Bonfanti

Elizer (2016, passing), brother of Jean Torres


Bonnie Brafman (2008, passing), daughter of Sandra & Stuart Brafman

Donna Hope (2005, passing), daughter of Ellen & Jack Krampf


Barry Drebin (1987, birthday), son of Shlomo & Rivkah Drebin

Jordan Schuman (2015, passing), son of Peri & Peter Schacknow

Andrew (1981, birthday), son of John Benn

Tiffany Alexander  (2022, passing), daughter of Danita Alexander and mother of Sara Alexander


Nick Cibelli (1992, birthday), son of Pam Cibelli, brother of Jen & Michelle Cibelli

Jubin Kochummen (1978, birthday), brother of Julian Kochummen

Gary Lichtenstein (1978, birthday), brother of Adam & Eric Lichtenstein, son of Dora & Mario Lichtenstein

Shawn Santo (2012, passing), brother of Stephanie & Steven Santo

Phillip Bach (1986, birthday), son of David & Mindy Bach, brother of Matthew Bach


Amy Eberhart (2012, passing), daughter of Gail Blume

Joshua Kuchmeister (2008, passing), son of Gary & Linda Kuchmeister

Sean Egan (2002, passing), son of Ellen Seibert, brother of Paige Seibert


Bryan Lohr (1991, birthday), son of Barbara Lohr

Ethan Murphy (2016, passing), son of Robin Murphy

Douglas Ciullo (2007, passing), son of Eileen Simone


Stephanie Lagis (1980, birthday), daughter of Audrey Lagis

Lori Dudutis (1980, birthday), daughter of Maria & Joseph Dudutis

Lauren Wilkinson (2009, passing), sister of Jesse Wilkinson

Thomas Falzone (2015, passing), son of Karen Pickel

George Crowley (2015, passing), brother of Thomas Crowley


Andrew Burrous (2001, birthday), son of Kathy & Bob Burrous

Yaacov (Jake) Soffer Levy (1971, birthday), son of Barbara Levy

Leslie Protzel (1957, birthday), daughter of Monica Protzel

Jonathan Roth (1992, birthday), son of Alexis & Ely Roth, brother of Rachel Roth

Liz Closter (1970, birthday), daughter of Marion & Bob Closter

Raven Colon (2011, passing), sister of Melissa Eberlein

David A. Levine (1973, passing), son of Shelly Balanoff

Suzy (1955, birthday), sister of Michelle Fontrier


Steve Weingard (1939, birthday), husband of Bonnie Weingard

Angelo Collazo (1999, birthday), son of Angie Collazo

Harrison Horowitz (2012, passing), son of Susan Weiss-Horowitz

Alexa Cardone (2015, passing), daughter of Nicole Cardone

Alycia Cimino (2016, passing), daughter of Michael Cimino & Melanie D’Angelo

Phillip Bach (2013, passing), son of David & Mindy Bach, brother of Matthew Bach

Rita Broyles (1961, passing), beloved sister of MaryEileen Broyles

Alexus (Lexi) Marie Bonasera (1991, birthday), Daughter of Jackie & Mike Bonasera, Mother of baby Liam


Mary Eleni Lazarus (2008, passing), daughter of Eleni Lazarus

Andrew Gary Latanich (2008, passing), son of Rose Mary Latanich

Steven Shankman (2003, passing), son of Mickey Shankman


Thomas Yates (1970, birthday), son of Lillian & David Yates

Russell Ferber (1980, birthday), brother of Jordon Ferber

Shane R. Simcox (1985, birthday), brother of Sarah Dinan

David Michael Guzman (2011, passing), son of Sonia Lopez