From all of us at COPE to our generous community, donors, and sponsors
Our goal for our 20th annual COPE Walk was to raise $37,500, all of which goes directly to supporting families living with the loss of a loved one.
Thank you to our $5,000 matching donor Sandy Wolkoff.
With Sandy’s match and your generosity, we not only met but surpassed our goal and raised over $45,000!
From the bottom of our heart, we cannot say thank you enough.
A special thanks to our sponsors:
Monopoly Sponsors
Katten Muchin Rosenman
The Reisman Family
T-shirt sponsorsÂ
Sherry & Stuart Radowitz
Richard & Judy Berg
Michelle Wong
Water Sponsor
Susan & Steven Nathan and Family
Wristband Sponsor
Dr. Kristin GillÂ
Mile Marker Sponsors
Lilly Julien
Katie’s Friends
Maureen Heaton Foundation
Larry Mergentime
Jen Schwartz
Roberta & Steven Schwartz
The Schwartz Family