Signs & Synchronicities with COPE Founder Lilly Julien presents: Dream Visits: Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind
Carla Blowey, author of Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing, certified dreamwork facilitator and a bereaved mother shares the prophetic dream about the death of her five-year-old son, Kevin, and the many subsequent dreams that offered her forgiveness, healing, spiritual growth and new life. Using examples from her dream journal, Carla helps participants to discern the difference between a “dream visit” and a “grief dream”, and recognize all dreams as a valuable tool for reconciling the death of a loved one or child. Carla’s compelling presentation invites the bereaved or anyone dreaming to examine their own dreams for personal symbols, synchronicity, and metaphor as a means to reconciliation and self-empowerment.
Join us! Monday, April 25, 7 – 8:30 PM via Zoom.
Register HERE. Free to attend. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.
About Carla: Carla Blowey is a certified Dream Work Facilitator through the Marin Institute for Projective Dream Work with founder Jeremy Taylor. The author of Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing, Carla presents dream work programs for support groups and national bereavement organizations; and facilitates individual and group dream work sessions on site and online. Weaving the values of spirituality with personal loss and transition for psychological and spiritual growth, Carla invites the dreams images to speak their truth, creating a space for grace to nourish and Love to flourish.
Learn more at and Facebook.
The information shared in this program is not intended to act as a substitute for any legal and mental health advice concerning individual situations; neither COPE, its Board of Directors, staff and personnel shall be responsible for any outcomes arising form any information or exercises provided in this program.