Moving Forward as a Surviving Family


Oct 11 2022


7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Join Maya Roffler, the host of The Surviving Siblings Podcast, in a workshop about the relationships between surviving siblings and parents. Families may share the experience of loss but the grief journey is often experienced differently by the individual survivors. The family’s loss, and the shared, but different experiences, can cause a shift in the family’s relationships, as siblings and parents are unsure how to move forward separately as individuals, but also together as a surviving family. Maya will be joined by one of COPE’s surviving siblings, Maureen Armstrong, as well as one of COPE’s surviving parents, Jeff Reis.

When: October 11, 7-8:30 PM EST

Where: Zoom

Cost: Free to attend, or with an optional donation to support COPE families. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated

Register on our Eventbrite Page today!

In this workshop, we will explore the perspectives of the surviving parent and the surviving sibling, often referred to as the ‘forgotten mourner’, to hear the different experiences and voices of all three panelists. When we open up and share our unique perspectives, we can learn from each other. Our hope is that a new layer of understanding will help surviving family members find their way back to each other, even if their grief journey has taken them on separate paths. We will also open it up to our virtual audience for questions and encourage our audience to interact with our engaging panel.