President’s Message – August 2020

Jul 27, 2020 | Co-President's Messages

I try to read less news, watch less news, and worry less about the news I do see. I am not succeeding but I have, however, noticed a slight uptick in articles that have words like “hope”, or “better news”, or “peace”, or even ,”new recipes”. Even a bunch on how to lose the Covid 15 (pounds that is.) There is no way to have a measured balance of good news in this very scary time, but there is a way to grab moments of hope, or better news, and while maybe not world peace, a fraction of internal peace.

Humans have all sorts of mechanisms to manage stress—we are hard wired to survive, after all.  Volcanic explosions, prides of lions, drought, marauding enemies, earthquakes and floods are just some of the sudden, and chronic, sources of fear and the stress that accompanies it. And yet, in the midst of the stress of terror, babies are born, new friends are made, decisions to live a life differently take root and we tread with small footsteps into an unfamiliar landscape.

COPE is growing new roots in this new world. I have written with pride about our staff and board and how quickly we accepted and adapted to changing needs and services. A few months back several board and staff talked about the need for more connections with our families during this time of terrible social isolation. We wanted a full calendar for those who need one, and a variety of choices for those who want them. And it has happened.  First our groups, but you all know that, and then fundraising. We have gotten together for events that have become family and friend time: two nights of Bingo, one of Poker, and a masterful evening playing Trivial Pursuits, where a three-generation family took home first place.

COPE is stretching and growing to help our entire community survive, and maybe grow in this new way of helping each other. Just this last week, I attended a meditation class that reminded me to breathe, a Signs and Synchronicity meeting that was so warm and moving, as well as a Drama Therapy workshop (much more meaningful and less scary than it sounds) with a great group of leaders and participants. I am looking forward to a songwriting class, another fascinating approach to help us find words to help manage our grief. I can’t write songs, but I can do poetry, so I signed up and hope to not be too embarrassed.

And there will be more. We have to do more. And with you there we will protect these new roots and grow a strong and amazing future.

Please take care of yourselves and those you love, and yes, that includes those we lost. If we believe that they are with us, then we must also believe that they wish the best for us and from us. And, take a few minutes to go to the COPE website,, and help support us.

With peace and hope,
