Sibling Support Groups

Sibling Support Group

Peer support groups offer a safe space for grieving siblings to share their grief, give and receive support, find tools to cope with their unimaginable loss, and find validation through the shared experience with others. There is no exact way of grieving a sister or a brother, as each loss is unique to that person and the relationship he or she had with their sibling, but oftentimes the best support can come from those who can relate and understand the depths of your grief.

Oftentimes sibling loss can be overshadowed by other losses leaving siblings to feel alone, forgotten, or that their role is to support other family members, leaving little room for supporting themselves. COPE sibling groups provide the necessary space for siblings to focus on their own grief and find support from fellow siblings.

Participating in a group offers the opportunity to:

  • Receive emotional support in a safe and non-judgmental environment
  • Begin and continue the healing process through sharing your own story and hearing the stories of others
  • Learn coping skills to help you through the difficult moments in your grief journey.
  • Discover new ways or traditions to maintain continuing bonds with your sibling by keeping them present in your heart and connected in your memories
  • Increase your understanding of how other family members might react to loss
  • Permission to grieve and permission to live

“After my sister died, I didn’t feel the need to go to any support groups because I thought I could cope on my own. It wasn’t until I started attending the COPE sibling group that I realized I needed the suport and sensitivity of people who have suffered a similar loss.” – GJ

#1 Sibling Support Groups For All - COPE Foundation

Who Can Join

COPE Sibling Support Groups are open to adults in New York City and Long Island and welcome all ages and backgrounds grieving all manners of loss.  New members join on an ongoing basis and there are options for those at all points in their grief journey. There is no timeline to enter the group and as your grief does not end, neither does our support.

COPE Sibling Support Groups are free to attend and like all of COPE’s programs are sustained through the generosity of our participants. 

All prospective group participants must first fill out our intake form here (hyperlink) and complete an intake phone call with our Clinical and Program Director Claire Sharkey, LCSW to determine readiness for group and the best group fit before being connected with the group facilitator and attending a group.

Current COPE group members interested in switching groups must first contact COPE Clinical and Program Director Claire Sharkey, LCSW at (516) 274-0540 or

Group Offerings

Current group offerings are listed below. In order to maintain group numbers that will allow for the best opportunity for participants to connect and share, we cannot guarantee available space in every group at all times, but we will work with you to find the best fit for your needs. 

Long Island Bereaved Sibling In Person Support GroupRashida Sanchez, MA, LMSW, FT
New York City Bereaved Sibling In Person Support GroupCarly Bergstein, LMSW
Bereaved Sibling Virtual Support GroupRashida Sanchez, MA, LMSW, FT
Newly Bereaved Sibling Virtual Support GroupRashida Sanchez MA, LMSW, FT

Current Sibling Support Group members can check the calendar for upcoming groups by clicking the link below.