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Bowl A Thon COPE

The 2024 Camp Erin NYC Bowl-a-Thon

On Monday, April 8, from 7-9 pm, participants and supporters raised money for COPE’s Camp Erin NYC, with a mission of helping grieving children and families.

This year was particularly special because it’s also COPE’s 25th Anniversary!

With gratitude,
Camp Erin NYC Family

About Camp Erin NYC

COPE partners with Eluna to offer Camp Erin® NYC, a FREE, weekend-long grief support camp designed to help children and teenagers ages 7 – 17 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or someone close to them.

Children and teens ages 7 to 17 attend a weekend camp experience that combines grief education and emotional support with fun, traditional camp activities. Led by bereavement professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided a safe environment to explore their grief, learn essential coping skills, and make friends with peers who are also grieving. There is also a concurrent parent and adult retreat for caregivers of the children who attend Camp Erin NYC for a nominal fee.

For more information about Camp Erin NYC, please email Camp Director Ann Fuchs at