Healing Through Music: Drum it Out!

Healing Through Music: Drum it Out!


Dec 14 2021


6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Pinelawn Online Grief Workshop – “Healing Through Music: Drum it out!”

Percussionist Josh Robinson will facilitate an interactive workshop called “Drum It Out!” teaching us how to use drumming as a coping tool, a vehicle for healthy expression/emotional release, and a fun way to connect with others in an authentic and engaging way while paying tribute to their loved ones.

Participants can use found objects such as wooden spoons, dowels, or any other “drum stick like” objects they can find and play on buckets, shoe boxes, trash bins, or any other object that makes some substantial noise.

For more information about Josh Robinson, visit www.joshrobinsondrums.com

Register for free HERE


**Upon registration, you will be sent a confirmation email. To access the online workshop, it is important to use the Eventbrite reminder emails (one will be sent the day of the event) and log into your Eventbrite account to access the online workshop. Although we use the Zoom platform, Eventbrite emails will grant you access to the Zoom meeting. You will not be sent a Zoom link.**

For questions, contact Kristyn Hovanec, Marketing Manager, at khovanec@pinelawn.com or 631.249.6100 x115.

Disclaimer: The information shared in this program is not intended to act as a substitute for any legal and mental health advice concerning individual situations; neither Pinelawn Memorial Park or COPE, its Board of Directors, staff and personnel shall be responsible for any outcomes arising from any information or exercises provided in this program.