Signs & Synchronicities: Me and My Pendulum, with COPE Founder Lilly Julien


Feb 10 2022


7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Do you ever feel confused and indecisive?

For most of the 30 years since the loss of my daughter, I’ve been using the pendulum as a tool to help me navigate my fog of grief. There is evidence that pendulums were used in ancient Egypt and Rome but their use may pre-date recorded history. Psychics and healers have used pendulums since ancient times for divination, finding hidden significance, locating things, or simply seeking the answer to a question.

Please join me February 10 at 7:00 for a light hearted hour of introduction, exploration and play using the pendulum.

Come with or without a pendulum to learn more about:

  • How to choose and use a pendulum
  • Different ways to work with them
  • Connecting with your spirit guides

Any weighted object (even a ring on a chain) can act as a pendulum for those who want to participate.

Join us! February 10, 7 PM to 8 PM via Zoom.

Free to register. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Register HERE today.


The information shared in this program is not intended to act as a substitute for any legal and mental health advice concerning individual situations; neither COPE, its Board of Directors, staff and personnel shall be responsible for any outcomes arising form any information or exercises provided in this program.