Healing Tip – June 2019

Gardening and Grief   “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” – Audrey Hepburn   Gardening can reduce the feelings of grief. Some of the benefits of gardening include improved physical health, emotional well being as well as increased...

President’s Message – June 2019

Grief and Gratitude  I have spoken to parents about their kids since my first job right out of college where I worked as a counselor in a drug treatment program with teens and their parents. This was the early 70’s and I was only a few years older than many of...

President’s Message – May 2019

It is Spring and with it comes color, and sunshine, gardens and allergies, and for many of us,memories of the times spent with our children: delight over their first steps, Little League games, track meets, soccer tournaments, first trips to the beach, plans for the...

Ralph S. Attonito II (Ralphie) 5/12/1993 – 5/6/2018

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” – Winnie the Pooh It’s been a year this month that my family and I lost my brother Ralphie. Not a second goes by that we don’t miss and love him. The love,...

Healing Tip – May 2019

Acute, Integrated and Complicated Grief  There are three categories of grief that one can be experiencing throughout the grief journey: acute, integrated, and complicated. Acute grief is the early response to loss that can be intense and all- encompassing. It can...


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I had just finished writing my monthly column for the COPE April Newsletter when I turned the TV on and saw a commercial for 60 Minutes, a news show on CBS. Not a show I ever watch, the teaser for the next segment caught my...

My big Brother, Neal Markowitz 4/13

I’ve always found the concepts of heaven and hell rather difficult to swallow and I’m not certain I believe in the kind of afterlife where we meet up with our lost loved ones and spend the rest of eternity together. The former smacks too much of a system...

COPE Healing Tip – April 2019

Loss by Suicide  According to a report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates for adults in the United States are on the rise; since 1999, suicide rates in 25 states increased by more than 30%. In the US, suicide...

President’s Message – April 2019

I saw something on COPE’s Facebook page that said, “Grief is love that has no place to go.” I commented on it because it sounded so lovely. But I have been thinking about it and for me, it is more complicated than that. I don’t love my son any less today than ten...