President’s Message – May 2019

It is Spring and with it comes color, and sunshine, gardens and allergies, and for many of us,memories of the times spent with our children: delight over their first steps, Little League games, track meets, soccer tournaments, first trips to the beach, plans for the...

Ralph S. Attonito II (Ralphie) 5/12/1993 – 5/6/2018

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” – Winnie the Pooh It’s been a year this month that my family and I lost my brother Ralphie. Not a second goes by that we don’t miss and love him. The love,...

Healing Tip – May 2019

Acute, Integrated and Complicated Grief  There are three categories of grief that one can be experiencing throughout the grief journey: acute, integrated, and complicated. Acute grief is the early response to loss that can be intense and all- encompassing. It can...


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] I had just finished writing my monthly column for the COPE April Newsletter when I turned the TV on and saw a commercial for 60 Minutes, a news show on CBS. Not a show I ever watch, the teaser for the next segment caught my...

My big Brother, Neal Markowitz 4/13

I’ve always found the concepts of heaven and hell rather difficult to swallow and I’m not certain I believe in the kind of afterlife where we meet up with our lost loved ones and spend the rest of eternity together. The former smacks too much of a system...

COPE Healing Tip – April 2019

Loss by Suicide  According to a report by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide rates for adults in the United States are on the rise; since 1999, suicide rates in 25 states increased by more than 30%. In the US, suicide...

President’s Message – April 2019

I saw something on COPE’s Facebook page that said, “Grief is love that has no place to go.” I commented on it because it sounded so lovely. But I have been thinking about it and for me, it is more complicated than that. I don’t love my son any less today than ten...

Vincent Mascoli 11/28/1981-3/12/2013

Vincent Mascoli 11/28/1981-3/12/2013From Melissa Mascoli “I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought, and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories....