March, 2017

Apr 28, 2017 | COPE Contributors

Words from COPE President and Founder, Lillian Julien

Dear COPE Families,

Writing is a powerful tool. As I recently looked through past newsletters for inspiration, I found how my column each month had become a journal of sorts, recording my emotions, experiences, and spiritual connection. I realize how valuable it is to have them, especially at times when I’m feeling a need for reassurance.

 I found one from February 2011 that I feel is worth repeating. I wrote of an extraordinary experience that I had that year, on the date of my daughter’s passing.

 After meditating, I wanted to connect with her and sat down at the computer to write.  When I reread what I had written I realized she was writing to me . . .

 â€śYou can’t find me outside of you if I’m inside of you… I’m radiating in the light you lit last night… in the joy of you… in the joy you feel. You are alive. Now it’s about your life and the way you’re living your life. The day is not supposed to feel sad. It’s only sad for the people who believe I’m gone. You know I’m here.  You feel me alive so there’s nothing to feel sad about. If you get stuck trying to feel me…visualize me… Laugh…be silly…enjoy life…a life I can only live through you! Look in the mirror. See you and you’ll see me…on the other side of here” . . .

I feel blessed to have had such a powerful experience of connection. Reading it reminds me once again how through love there is no separation.  

With love and hope for spiritual connections,


COPE President and Founder


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