Facilitated by Thomas Demaria, Ph.D, Participants will be able to identify the ongoing impact of primary and secondary losses in their lives and become aware of tools including a wide variety of coping strategies which can be used to enhance their ability to lessen the weight this burden has caused in this lives.
When: Tuesday, November 28, 7-8 PM
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: FREE. Reserve your spot on Pinelawn’s Eventbrite Page
Attendee Materials Needed: Powerpoint Capacity
More Our Facilitator: Thomas Demaria, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist and a Fellow in both the Trauma and Clinical Divisions of the American Psychological Association and New York State Psychological Association. Dr. Demaria assists with the coordination of Coalition to Support Grieving Students initiative for the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement’s and provides consultation to schools dealing with crisis and loss. Dr. Demaria has delivered over several hundred professional research presentations and co-authored 24 professional publications including clinical guidance documents on bereavement and disasters for the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Dr. Demaria has earned numerous awards for his participation in several hundred local and national community and school crisis responses including school shootings at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.
He is a two-time recipient of the New York State Liberty Award for community service following the World Trade Center terrorist attacks and in the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina. Dr. Demaria was honored with a Humanitarian Award from the Center for Christian & Jewish studies for his work with Holocaust survivors and earned special recognition from the International Society for Traumatic Stress for both Clinical Excellence in Service Delivery and Distinguished Mentorship.
Contact Dr. Demaria through the National Center for School Crisis & Bereavement
1-877-53-NCSCB (1-877-536-2722) info@schoolcrisiscenter.org
www.schoolcrisicenter.org or www.grievingstudents.org
**Upon registration, you will be sent a confirmation email. To access the online workshop, it is important to use the Eventbrite reminder emails (one will be sent the day of the event) and log into your Eventbrite account to access the online workshop. Although we use the Zoom platform, Eventbrite emails will grant you access to the Zoom meeting. You will not be sent a Zoom link.**
For questions, contact Christin Alexander, Community Outreach Coordinator, at calexander@pinelawn.com or 631.249.6100 x120.
Disclaimer: The information shared in this program is not intended to act as a substitute for any legal and mental health advice concerning individual situations; neither Pinelawn Memorial Park or COPE, its Board of Directors, staff and personnel shall be responsible for any outcomes arising from any information or exercises provided in this program.