The Loss of an Only Child leads one to question what purpose we now have in this world. While it is not possible to fill the void that such a loss creates, for us it was vital to find some purpose strong enough that it will sustain oneself in moving forward. While we grieve together as parents, finding purpose was an individual journey.
In this workshop, we will describe what our individual journey was to find a purpose. We will then ask participants to share how they have found that purpose, and facilitate an exercise (optionally written), for those interested, in possible seeds for developing this purpose.
When: Thursday, September 21 7 – 8 PM EST
Where: Online
Cost: FREE! Or with an optional donation to support COPE families. Reserve your spot on our Eventbrite Page
About Roger & Deb: Our only child, Kyle Mathias Moroney, was born on the first day of spring in 1994, at St John’s Hospital in St Louis, MO. Kyle died in a car accident late on June 3, 2017, at the age of 23. He was very active in the local car community, and we were told wonderful stories of his caring nature.
Roger recently retired from a 25-year career in radiation protection. I draw from my experiences of being an inquisitive traveler to become a host and concierge for guests, and to care for them as my son cared for his family and friends. This is my chosen mission to honor Kyle.
Deb Moroney is a Nurse Practitioner working in Palliative Care at UT Medical Center in Knoxville, TN. She has 35+ years of nursing experience, mostly in cardiac critical care. As an NP in Palliative Care, Deb provides compassionate care for patients and families as they move through the end stages of chronic illness. It was through Kyle’s guidance that Deb was able to find her way through the process of job searching and obtaining her current position at UTMCK.
Roger and Deb are both active in local and national bereaved parent organizations.
The information shared in this program is not intended to act as a substitute for any legal and mental health advice concerning individual situations; neither COPE, its Board of Directors, staff and personnel shall be responsible for any outcomes arising form any information or exercises provided in this program.