President’s Message – January, 2020

I went to a 90th birthday party recently. This was for the patriarch of a family I have known for 50 years and the parents, the children, the grandchildren, the half dozen great- grandchildren, are all close to my heart. But in spite of sitting in this warm, loving...

Healing Tip – January, 2020

Self care is so important. Unfortunately, many of us neglect to do it. We are so busy in our everyday lives that we forget how vital it is to take a step back and nurture ourselves. Not only does self care keep you healthy, but it is proven to increase satisfaction...

Healing Tip – December, 2019

When the Holidays Aren’t So Happy When you are grieving, holidays aren’t always joyful, blissful or magical. They can mark a period of intense feelings and stress. Pressure from family, friends and the media can have a strong influence on how those who are grieving...

President’s Message – December 2019

Happy New Year………or maybe not. Every new year for the first five or so years after my son was killed in an accident, I would go to the cemetery and wonder, “Really, you’re still gone!?!?!” I believed that I had to take one step at a time, one day, one month, and like...

Lilly’s Inspirational Thoughts – November, 2019

Every year is different because Holidays have forever changed! There are so many missing and we’re missing ones we love.  It is a time when many of us spiral and we feel especially vulnerable. Our love is expressed in grief and our Love process is...

“Making Meaning Out of Grief”

In case you didn’t already see it, please check out this powerful piece titled “Making Meaning Out of Grief” by Jane Brody from NYT 11/06/2019. Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief by David Kessler...

President’s Message – November, 2019

There are a few things I have been thinking that I want to talk with you about. (You do see that I am hoping these columns are a conversation between COPE families and supporters and me.) Even though I don’t hear back from you, you are welcome to contact me and let me...

Healing Tip – November, 2019

Children’s Grief Awareness Day On November 21st we will acknowledge Children’s Grief Awareness Day. Children’s Grief Awareness Day seeks to bring attention to the fact that often support can make all the difference in the life of a grieving child. It...

Healing Tip – October, 2019

When we think about brain trauma we often think about the physical consequences of an injury. After much research, scientists have discovered that the emotional trauma of a loss has profound effects on the mind, brain and body. Perhaps most commonly known is “Broken...

President’s Message – October, 2019

When I became Board President in January, 2019, I felt getting to hear your thoughts, opinions, feelings, and needs was essential to help me and the Board make sure that COPE continues to be an important resource for grieving families. I had been uncertain about...