Healing Tip of the Month – April 2021

Thanks to COPE Facilitator Marilyn Kohn LMSW for this month’s healing tip.   March 11th 2020 was the beginning of a most difficult year when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. It has been one of isolation, loneliness, and fear. It complicated the grief...

Thank you Sandy!

Thank you for very much your incredibly generous gift to COPE in the amount of $10,000 received today in connection with the design and sustainability of COPE’s website. Your generosity will directly help COPE to reach, connect with and support many bereaved...

President’s Message – March 2021

Welcome to March! The vernal equinox is on the 20th, which marks the beginning of spring and by the 21st, the days get longer. Ok, maybe by a few minutes, but that means we are trending to softer days, outdoor activities, open windows and maybe more time with each...

Healing Tip – February 2021

Thanks to COPE’s facilitator Diane McNamara, LCSW-R for this month’s Healing Tip   Riding the roller coaster of grief   The grieving process is not linear. One does not move smoothly or swiftly through the stages of denial, anger,...

Lilly’s Inspirational Thoughts – February 2021

For many of us February is synonymous with Valentine’s Day, a day celebrating love. Love is the other side of grief. It’s because we love so deeply that we grieve so intensely. For so many years I was in deep sorrow after my daughter passed and then alone after my...

President’s Message – February 2021

It is hard for me to avoid reading or watching the news. Yes, I know that it’s not always the best thing for my sanity, and yet I can’t stop, or perhaps I just don’t want to. Maybe I think, magically, that if I stay on top of the flood of information, I will be...

Parent Column – February 2021

The voice heard in my silence –  The pandemic we are all facing is challenging but allows for some rare opportunities of self discovery. I have taken many walks by myself where I contemplate the events and meaning of my life. My future seems uncertain....

Lilly’s Inspirational Thoughts – January 2021

Dear COPE families, For as long as my daughter is gone, the New Year has been associated with January, the month that Michelle passed. One thing I know, after 29 years, I’ve had to learn to think differently. After quite some time, I recently dreamt of my daughter and...

President’s Message – January 2021

Happy New Year!  Doesn’t it seem odd to say that? Perhaps the best we can say about 2021 is that is not 2020. With the rest of humanity, we, the bereaved families of COPE, are starting 2021 in the midst of an almost universal shared grief and fear. Yet, I find...

Giving Back from COPE

So many families at COPE have lost children and siblings, and the holidays are always so difficult for people. Many of the siblings in my group have talked about how their parents ‘canceled’ Christmas after their loss. So many families on Long Island are...