
COPE Contributors

Thank you Sandy!

Thank you for very much your incredibly generous gift to COPE in the amount of $10,000 received today in connection with the design and...

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Healing Tip

Healing Tip – February 2021

Thanks to COPE's facilitator Diane McNamara, LCSW-R for this month's Healing Tip   Riding the roller coaster of grief   The grieving...

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Parent Column

Parent Column – February 2021

The voice heard in my silence -  The pandemic we are all facing is challenging but allows for some rare opportunities of self discovery. I...

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Parent Column

Giving Back from COPE

So many families at COPE have lost children and siblings, and the holidays are always so difficult for people. Many of the siblings in my group...

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COPE Contributors


REFLECTIONS   So many aspects of the world right now are reminiscent of my early grief...The isolation, distancing, fear, anxiety, and...

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